Truth in Society:
How do people come to believe what they do?

St. Thomas University
English 1006
Russ Hunt (with Thom
This is the main course site for English 1006T (listed as AQEN1006T),
taught as part of the
Truth in Society
section of The
Aquinas Program, by Russ Hunt.
A complete description of the course can be found here.
The Web site for the course as it was last taught in 2009-2010 can be found
If you're enrolled in the course you should bookmark this page, so you
can check back regularly.
Prompts used so far:
Prompt #1, 15 November: Getting started in English
Prompt #2, 17 November: Forging
ahead in English
Prompt #3, 22 November: Examining some assumptions
Prompt #4, 24 November:
Back to the well
Prompt #5, 29 November: Attending to expectations
and assumptions
Prompt #6, 1 December: Reflecting on our expectations
and assumptions
Prompt #7, 23 February: And now for something
completely different
Prompt #8, 28 February: Putting the quarters
Prompt #9, 13 March: Drama and believing
Prompt #10, 15 March: Drama and believing,
Other useful links:
Forum on Seeing
Dollar Woman
for posting reading journals on sections of The Dollar Woman
The complete
script for The Dollar Woman [note: it may display sideways;
if you download it to your computer and open it with Adobe Acrobat or something,
your can rotate the view]
Responses to the questions about the Reuters
article on the Dalai Lama and The People's Daily
Some examples to consider from Prompt
Go to the main Truth
in Society Web site
Go to Russ Hunt's Web site