English 1006T
Prompt #20
14 March 2013

Literature at last

Reading a short story, in a very strange way

As you'll have noticed, I'm interested in how people read (and write) and in helping to make people more self-conscious about what they're doing. Here's one way I think we might do that.

I've divided a four-page short story into nine sections. What I invite you to do is read each section, in order (they're on the Reading a story forum), and write for a couple or five minutes after each. I suggest you think about a couple of things -- what judgments does the author seem to be expecting you to be making (in other words, what does he expect you to believe or value to start with)? and what do you expect to happen next? In a number of cases, sections end in the middle of a sentence. completing the sentence -- how would you expect it to continue? -- might help focus your thinking. But (as with the responses to the passages on the last assignment -- don't feel constrained by those suggestions: say what you think might be of interest to others.

This should not take very long. Please post your responses by Sunday night, so that we can read each others' and be ready to talk about it on Tuesday.

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