English 1006 G
December 2013
First term course feedback survey responses
1. Writing in this course is generally done in a situation where
people read each other's writing in order to respond and learn
from it. Is reading other people's writing and writing in the
awareness that others are reading what you write helping, or
changing, how you write and read?
- Yes it has helped me.
- Not really. I only read enough to formulate the most basic
response, and just get it over with. I would care more if we
were actually being marked on something or if we wrote something
that actually had a purpose.
- It has definitely helped me develop my skills when writing
clearly and persuasively.
- Writing so that everyone can see it really isn't how I like to
be marked. It is changing how I write because I am being more
aware of what I write, and taking more care of the ideas that I
put out there for people to read. I'd say it is changing it,
which is helping it in the process.
- Not really, ive always had a unique writing style and seeing
other peoples writing has not affected my own.
- Yes it is definitely helping and changing the way I read. It
has helped me to consider other peoples opinions and help me
understand how others think aswell.
- Yes, it is making me think deeper into stories that I read and
I'm getting used to writing for an audience
- Yes, it's make me think more clearly before I write something
instead of just spewing nonsense.
- It makes me take my time when writing and I tend to re-read
what I wrote.
- Well, I tend to be scatterbrained when I write, so, knowing
that there would be other people reading what I've written, it
has taught me how to focus my work into sectioned pieces.
Actually, I've been able to cross this over to a History term
paper I wrote, which I received a 95% on, and I believe that it
owe it completely to what I've learned in this class.
- I do enjoy the interaction we get when we read other peoples'
writing, and sometimes it enlightens me in ways that I couldn't
have done on my own, but I find sometimes doing almost the same
activity every class can get a little redundant
- Yes it helps me see others opinions and perspectives which
help me write replies and have a more thorough thought process
- Well, in order for it to help us our writing would need to
change. For me it helps because I get a sense of what I should
be doing and what I shouldn't be doing by reading what other
have written. It does make me a bit self conscious about how
people will read my writing and how they will think of me after
but apart from that it is helpful.
- It is changing how I write and read because I know look for
any sort of biases while reading, I seek to try and understand
what the author is talking about instantly, and try and pick up
on any biblical, historical, or modern day relevance's to make
connections about what the story is about. Is what the author is
saying interesting? Why or why not? What is the author really
saying? I also look for hidden racial or stereotypical messages,
and try to understand the perspective from the author's
viewpoint, and explain why I believe it is
right/wrong/bias/unbiased. When I write, I hope my audience
doesn't feel absolutely just flabbergasted by what I have to
- Yes, it makes me choose my words more carefully.
- Absolutely, because knowing other people will read and 'judge'
my work puts on pressure on yourself to write better as you do
not want to embarrass yourself or sound stupid. Hence, it indeed
pushes me to write better and look into the readings more
instead of just reading it to just read.
- Yes it is
- I find that it is helping because i get to see how other
people interpret certain things.
- I do believe that this method is very simple, but I believe
that it is not only reading that teaches me things, but the
discussions we have in class.
2. Written and oral student discussion, I believe, facilitates
learning. Has such discussion promoted your own learning? If so,
- Yes because w/o it I wouldn't have learned certain things.
- Group discussions do not help me learn. I often ignore what
the group members are saying, or bring up topics completely
unrealated to school at all. The discussions in this class are
usually very basic, and as soon as the work is completed the
groups usually don't discuss anything further than they have to.
- Discussion has promoted my own learning by opening my mind to
the different points of view and information noted by other
people of different backgrounds in the class.
- I think that seeing how other students write, and how they
structure their written responses has helped me because I
realize the flaws that are in my writing. Discussing things out
loud has really helped me learn how other people think, which
makes me change the way I approach certain situations in class
discussions later on.
- none
- Yes, it has also helped me to understand other peoples
opinions and sometimes that we must think outside the box.
- Yes by comparing my answers to others.
- I'd say it has, I can't really explain how though.
- The discussions in class have helped me better understand what
we are doing and helps me see a different point of view from
- I found that some of the discussions in class became what
seemed to be miniature debates, where people fired off whatever
came to their mind first. I personally think that because the
discussions force people to say whatever comes to mind first,
everything seems more genuine. So, yes, it has promoted my
learning, because I'm working to transfer those genuine
qualities to my own work.
- I do enjoy the discussion, but I think we could find a more
interesting way to do it. Perhaps a big talking circle and maybe
more controversial or interesting topics
- yes we seem to help opinions and perspectives to be heard that
normally wouldnt be heard if it was just give me a response. you
cant shy away
- Yes, I suppose it has. I haven't participated much because I
find some of the people a bit intimidating with their knowledge.
It does help me to think of ideas I may not have thought of
- It has promoted my own learning because I find myself reading
things aloud to my roommates (brother and boyfriend) and it has
strengthened my voice and what I have to say. I also do not want
to look foolish speaking out in front of the class so I like
knowing what I'm talking about.
- It promotes me to think about other peoples ideas much more.
- Personally, I think so yes, because after handing in your work
in, you are not sure what it compares to. Hence, when we talk in
class, and people put their input on certain things, it really
makes you open up to other perspectives. Then the next time you
go to write, you become more vigilant to what you write and more
ope to different ideas.
- "Yes
- By exposing me to new ideas and opinions."
- I enjoy listening to the people that talk, but i do not like
to talk infront of the class, i am a bit shy.
- It has, because this is where I believe I learned the most
because, it is where I am able to see different point of views;
therefore, if open minded you can learn, so much from others.
3. During the first term I've tried to use close attention to
literary texts -- Private Lives, "The Tell-Tale Heart,"
"The Second Death" -- to help people attend to the way language
works, and to help them be better writers about that. To what
extent has this been helpful to you?
- I learned a lot more about them than I would have on my own.
- These texts have taught me some about writing. I learned that
looking into all possible meanings of the text is important.
- It was helpful in the way that the texts were all different,
but still all interesting. I liked finding patterns and
similarities, as well as the differences when comparing the
texts, using new found skills to further analyze the next texts.
- I feel that looking at the three pieces of writing have helped
me realize that there are different ways to look at writing and
how it can be viewed and understood. It has helped me better
understand any other piece of writing that I have read.
- not very helpful, the text is not interesting. if the text was
interesting it would captivate us more.
- It has helped me understand that there can be hidden meanings
behind stories and that everyone may not be presented up front.
Sometimes thinking deeper may help readers understand the piece
of text more throughly.
- Usually most english classes involve solely shakespeare play
but this is a change and I like it.
- I found that the use of the play "Private Lives" was helpful
as it showed that literature truly can have a different meaning
depending on the context.
- I think it has been very helpful, but, if anything, I do wish
we reviewed more larger texts, such as passages from a book. I
believe we could have done with more classical pieces, such as
short Shakespeare passages. I also wish that we had covered song
lyrics to a relatively meaningful song at least once, just to
see everyones input on it.
- Those activities did help me and didn't mind doing them
- i dont really enjoy this as i like to read something as a
whole as i get confused only reading bits and pieces and even
reading one scene of a play.
- This is something I don't find I'm very good at, I would much
prefer to be writing essays and reading novels, but I do see how
this is effective. It does make you think of why something is
written as it is.
- It has been helpful with me on many levels, most of which
include the language I use when I write, how descriptive I am in
my writing, and writing down what it is I'm exactly trying to
say. It has definitely strengthened my vocabulary as well.
- It has been pretty helpful as they were different types of
literature. For me, having English as a second language, really
helps as I got to explore different literature types, and it
showed more how certain authors purposely place certain things
in certain places and they really think about what they write.
- It has been helpful as it showed me new texts and helped
understand how language works.
- I believe, that it is through different types and ways of
languages, that we read and evaluate, that we learn the most out
of, because it is a form of perceptive learning; thus, this is
where we see and reproduce. This process, is us trying to become
better writers. By reproducing good writing we learn form it
and, also become better at it. In other words reproducing good
and different types of work helps me, because I learn from it.
4. I've tried to help people stay engaged in the work of the
course by creating regular short assignments, and class
discussions (written and oral) about them. Has that helped you?
Does counting completed tasks and using them to create a minimum
mark help?
- I don't think we need as many assignments as we have every
- The minimum mark system is extremely irritating. Even though I
had above the minimim for the highest mark, I still only had a
B. For students who depend on a high gpa for scholarships this
marking system is the worst thing for us. We work hard on our
assignments and get the same mark as someone who does the bare
- In some ways, yes it does, because it motivates people to come
to class and do the assignments. My worry is that some do the
bare minimum of the assignment. As well, while they are not
always incredibly difficult of challenging to complete, there
are a lot of tasks, and missing one has a disappointing effect
on one's grades.
- I think that the way that you mark the class is extremely fair
and reasonable. Doing oral and written small assignments is
beneficial for everyone, to stay on task and stay focused in
class and outside of class.
- not at all, I find them rather tedious, if anything I would
much rather 4-5 actual assignments due throughout the semester
such as in my other classes.
- Yes it is easy to complete the assignments because they are
short and simple. This was helpful for me because I was able to
complete most of the assignments on time.
- "Yes it has big time, I'd much rather do short assignments
then long ones
- Yes it helps, but I found that something bad about it is that
if you miss one assignment, prompt, that you wouldn't be able to
complete the next 3 because you were not part of a discussion
you missed.
- I do like how we discuss things and do assignments for marks,
but I would stay more engaged if we switched things up a bit. As
I said before perhaps more controversial or interesting articles
would help keep my attention. I do like the way the class is
taught and how everything counts for marks though
- yes but also when an assignment is given out during class and
youve been excused you should still get time after youve come
back to do the assignment yes the prompts are up but you as a
professor explain things better once weve quickly read over the
- I do like that as long as we did the work we get marks because
if it was solely based on how well we did it I'm not sure I'd be
doing so well.
- It definitely helps because I often get side tracked and
forget to do what is asked, and try to scramble in what I have
to say for I feel it's important. I do this with any assignment
because I feel that I deserve marks for everything I do because
regardless of whatever is going on in my personal life, I always
try to put my best foot forward and attend classes.
- No I do not think that counting completed tasks and using them
as a minimum mark in a way that I do not really think it is a
fair way to mark people's intelligence. Sometimes, some people
don't have time to do a response on sunday night but maybe will
have time on monday. Then, just because they could not
accomplish this 'assignment' they get less of a record which
means a lower mark.
- Yes. It motivates me to complete my work
- I believe that because there are so many short assignments,
this is what makes us give up after a while, and forget the
importance of these, if there where a bit longer and less often
I believe that attention could be kept better. Also I believe
that using only these assignments to create a mark is not the
best of the ideas, because like I said earlier the fact that
there is too many small assignments people loose interested, and
the importance of the assignments; therefore, the mark can
discourage some people.
5. In trying to create a course that helps people take
responsibility for their own learning, and for assessing for
themselves the quality of their own work, I've invited people to
see their own work in the context of the work of others. That's
one reason so much student writing in this course is public. If
you've compared your own work with that of others, has this helped
you get a clearer idea of how to improve your own? If not, why
- yes it has.
- I can clearly see how my writing is weaker than others, but
that doesn't motivate me to become a better writer because I get
the same mark as them. Why put in extra effort if I don't have
- This absolutely has helped me to improve my own work. I no
longer hold my work to my own standards, but to the standards of
my classmates, and the general consensus of which writings are
the best. Even if they weren't the best, if I find they held an
aspect I had forgotten or left out, I try to include it next
- Yes, I strongly believe that seeing how and what types of
things other students write, it has helped me to improve my own
- Yes it has helped me improve my own work. Observing how others
write and express their opinions allowed me to compare my work
with theirs. This has helped me improve my writing skills
- Yeah it really has.
- Yes it has , I usually always compare my work to others to see
what everyone else has done and how they felt about something to
see how my opinion would relate.
- This process has showed me that despite my writing skills, I
do have a long ways to go. Comparing my work to others gives me
new insights on stories and pieces that we've reviewed that I
did not previously see. If anything, comparing work with others
has improved my critical thinking.
- I haven't compared my work to others
- yes
- It has helped me get a clearer idea to improve my writing
because it made me realize that when I said something, I had to
make it sure when I made powerful statements I had evidence
(theory, opinion, facts, etc.) to back up whatever I was
- Yes, a lot actually. As I've said, it made me push more with
my writing and made me see different perspectives. It made me
think more outside the box type of thing. Having other peoples
perspectives made want to make my writing better as well.
- Yes.
- Not really, because I feel like there should be someone
telling us exactly, what is wright and wrong, because I can find
that something is great in my opinion and compare my thing to
theirs, but they can be completely incorrect.
6. In trying to offer opportunities for as many people as
possible to be engaged in the continuing process of learning, I've
used a number of strategies in the classroom -- especially working
in small groups on focused questions, employing the data projector
to allow us to consider specific passages of text, focusing on
student contributions to discussions. Has this helped your
learning? How could it be improved?
- I think a better relationship between the students of each
group would work better. There are people who are very
outspoken, those who are shy, and those who don't care, and they
will constantly fall into these categories unless they are
comfortable with the people they are interacting with.
- Being put into groups for discussion has helped, however I
feel that in order to get the response that you want from
EVERYONE in the class, you could consider letting us choose our
own groups, that way people will actually feel comfortable
talking about their views with people that they know.
- It has some-what improved my learning. However, I think that
having group discussions every class may be too much and
distracting sometimes. People who are shy struggle with this
idea as well.
- yes it has, it'd be nice to be able to choose our own groups
- Yes it has, the only thing I'd say is that simply some people
are not a pleasure to work with, and that's not your fault at
all and there isn't really anything that can be done about that.
- I feel like this didn't have quite the desired affect. That is
to say, in some cases it was nice to work amongst others, but,
at other times, I do wish we got the chance to work alone, just
to see how much we could do on our own.
- Again, I think this could be a very helpful and fun learning
tool, but I also think we're using the wrong types of material,
and sometimes over analyzing the same piece
- yes it gets people who wouldnt normally be involved be
involved in class discussions. we could also have feedback from
each responce from our professor
- It has helped my learning, but it could be improved in the
sense that literally everything was done online, and I don't
have internet at my mom's house or my own apartment, so it was
hard for me to balance my personal life, my house work, and my
school work all at once without internet.
- Yes actually showing examples and being to discuss what I
think with other people has helped me see and realize certain
things such as different ideas and different things I hadn't
noticed before. I can't really think of a way to improve.
- Yes it has
- This process has helped me quite a bit, because it is during
that process that people start to speak about what they think
about it, and their opinions. ( I do not know how it could be
7. What do you think it's important for me to know about how this
course works (or doesn't) that the questions I've asked above
don't provide occasion for you to answer?
- I learned a lot this term, and they were in ways and on
subjects I didn't realise I needed to learn or improve on.
- Those questions cover basically everything about the course
that you would need feedback for.
- try to not use prompts for every class, small assignments are
tedious and often get pushed aside and forgotten because of much
larger assignments due in other classes.
- This course is structured very differently than a typical
English course. It helps you improve your writing skills by
allowing others to view your writing and observing how others
write as well. The group discussions help you view other
people's opinions and share your own with them.
- I really like the short assignments that we do weekly rather
than long assignments every now and then.
- The only thing I would suggest although it could just be my
misunderstanding of the word, I fell like if the learning
reflection is optional it shouldn't take away from a grade by
not completing it, not that I have a problem with people not
receiving marks for not doing it, I just feel like it shouldn't
be labelled as optional, because in that sense all the work we
do is "optional". But besides that really I enjoy the class a
lot and I love the setup.
- I love the way the class is taught and how a lot of our
activities are independant, and how everything we do counts for
marks, however we do similar things every day and it can get
boring. If we looked at different material or perhaps had a
debate or a huge class discussion with a talking stick or
something, I think that could help keep our interest and
enthusiasm levels up.
- i think we need more consequences for uncompleted tasks and
maybe the professor sending out an email to the student on
missing assignments that we could have done but something
happened as we use the internet fro most assignments
- Well, like I said before, I'm the type of person who would
rather be writing essays and reading novels, poems and plays
because that is what I'm comfortable with. I'm not a very open
person, I don't like to talk in front of crowds of people I
don't know so that's another aspect not well suited for me about
this class. I'm also very private and hate that people can look
at my writing and know it was me who wrote it, especially since
I have seen a lot of people be very critical about spelling
mistakes or say nasty things about some peoples ideas. I do
enjoy the class though.
- What I think you should know is that I do think doing prompts
help and are a good marking way, but I think making sunday the
deadline for most of them is too early, monday night would be
perfect. Also, I think being open to other peoples ideas and
opinions would help as well. Sometimes, what you think won't be
what we as a class think.
- I do not believe that there is anything else.
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