English 2783 The Art of Fact: Contemporary Literary Journalism
Russ Hunt
Fall 2013
Monday 7:00 - 9:45

Opening list of potential sources

These, in particular order, are taken as directly as possible from the emails I received. You need to choose one to pursue. Instructions for making your choice are in Prompt #5.

Women in American Journalism by Jan Whitt (available from UNB library stacks)

International Literary Journalism in Three Dimensions from World Literature Today (Spring 2012)

Matthew Ricketson's book, Australian Journalism Today. [discussed on editia.com by Charlotte Harper, August 28, 2012] <http://editia.com/what-is-longform-journalism/>

The Art of Fact by Barbara Lounsberry, published on April 9, 1990 by Praeger Publishing

Literary Journalism in the Twentieth Century by Norman Sims, published November 4, 2008 by Northwestern University Press

Wolfe, Tom. "The Birth of 'The New Journalism'; Eyewitness Report by Tom Wolfe. New York Magazine, February 14th 1972. <http://nymag.com/news/media/47353/>

Boynton, Robert. The New New Journalism: conversations with America's best nonfiction writers on their craft. Random House Digital, Inc., 2007.

Robert Root, Michael Steinberg, and Sonya Huber. The Fourth Genre : Contemporary Writers of/on Creative Nonfiction, 6th ed. 2011

Campbell, Deborah. "Can Journalism Be Art?" DeborahCampbell.org. N.p., n.d. Web. 16 Sept. 2013. <http://deborahcampbell.org/writing/cultural-affairs/can-journalism-be-art/>.

An essay by Dr. Martin Hirst, “What is Gonzo? The etymology of an urban legend,” published by the University of Queensland, Australia on January 19, 2004 (full essay is available free online at http://espace.library.uq.edu.au/view/UQ:10764).

“Lifespan of a Fact,” (published in 2012 in “The Believer.” The essay is also available in paperback from Amazon) an essay by John D’Agata, with fact-checking by Jim Fingal

by William Bradley and is tiled The Ethical Exhibitionist's and published by College English, v70 n2 p202-211 in November 2007

by Lynn Z. Bloom  and is tiled Living to Tell the Tale: The Complicated Ethics of Creative Nonfiction published by College English, v65 n3 p276-89 in January 2003.

Literary Reportage, *NYU Journalism Institute web site, no publication date or author

The New, Old Journalism / Narrative writing in contemporary newspapers /Jane Johnston and Caroline Graham /P. 517-533

Narrative and Paradigmatic Thinking Styles in Creative Writing and Journalism Students. James C Kaufman Article found on Google Scholar


I don't usually think it worth following up or quoting from individual blogs. One, however, found by a couple of people, contains this text: "here is the abstract of my article 'Literary Journalism: the intersection of literature and journalism that was published in 2004 in Acta Neophilologica.'" The last name of the author doesn't appear, as far as I can see, on her blog, but her first name is Sonja. This entry is from 2007. <http://findyourvoice-sonja.blogspot.ca/2007/05/i-promised-to-b5-that-i-will-try-to.html>

Another individual blog is by Constance Hale, who says, "I’ve taught narrative journalism at Harvard, organized conferences on the subject, written criticism about it, and practiced it for more than 20 years." while you'd never cite the blog entry, it's pretty clear that it would be possible to find published work by her. Start here: <http://sinandsyntax.com/talking-story/narrative-journalism/>

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