English 3336 Restoration and Eighteenth Century Drama and Theatre
Prompt # 34
28 November 2012

Sharing some findings

Some reading, some talking, some thinking

I'll have printed out whatever people have found that's interesting about The Comical Revenge. We'll take some time to read the documents, and then some more to discuss them. I'd like people to think (and talk) both about what they've learned about the play and its context, but also what they've learned about the processes of finding and reading background materials to literature. We'll walk through some of the databases to solve some access problems.

For Friday

It's time to decide on another play to read. Here's a way we can start on that. From the list of plays, there are 16 dated in the '70s. Of them, only seven are anthologized more than twice (as a rough guide to their importance, we can begin with that). Here they are:

For Friday, choose one of those plays (as before, choose it by emailing the hunt3236 list to announce your choice; first come, first served), and then find at least three quotes, from three different scholarly or reputable sources, which offer reasons why we should all read it. Transcribe your quotes (quote enough to make them persuasive),  list the source of each in correct bibliographical form, conclude with your own recommendation, and post the whole works to the Recommending some more plays wiki by 8:00 Friday morning, in time for me to print them out and bring them to class. I hope we'll be able to make a decision on Friday.

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