English 3236 Restoration and Eighteenth Century Drama and Theatre
Prompt # 62
10 April 2011

Last class

As seems to be usual, we have very little to work with today. Reports, with one exception, were not accessible in time to be read, discussed, and learned from. I had planned on reading them over the weekend (as I had hoped others might have); as it happens I've only read the one that was there on Friday.

Incidentally, as is also usual, of those that are there not one has a correctly formatted listing of the source text at the end, as the prompt stipulated (if you check the MLA guide you can fairly easily see how you should have listed yours).

I propose to conduct the last class this way: we'll begin by inviting anyone who's read any reports that were available to read to ask the author any questions that seem likely to support learning; and then everyone will be invited to ask me any questions about the drama and theatre of the Restoration and eighteenth century. I'll answer questions as briefly and as usefully as I can. When we run out of questions, we'll stop, and I'll pass out the last prompt.

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