English 3236 Restoration and Eighteenth Century Drama and Theatre
12 September 2012

What people knew

in response to Prompt #1

A stake in the sand: the assignment

"As a way of marking, for you and for everyone, a beginning point for our exploration, take out a piece of paper, put your name at the top of it, and write down everything you know, or can vaguely remember, or think you remember, about the period between 1660 and the French Revolution. Events, writers, ideas, music, whatever. If you know more than you can write down in ten minutes, start with the important stuff. If you don't know enough to fill out a sentence, guess. This is going to be something we'll come back to at the end of the process; it's a way of marking your location right now so you can assess where you, and we, have come to by April."

The responses:

I don't know too much about this time period but I'll give it a shot. Here's what I know about the period between 1660 and the French Revolution:
first alien landing -- Atlantis discovered
first live animal actor (dead ones outraged)
invention of the telephone -- the Doctor saves the world (many times)

Between 1660 and the French Revolution . . .
To be honest I cannot think of when the French Revolution happened but I can honestly say it's been a long time since I studied anything English related. I think of the Canterbury Tales and Beowlf, though pretty sure it was around long before 1660. All of my recent studies have been about Modern Ireland which makes me think of Yeats, who was alive after the French Revolution. Shakespeare's works were still being used and short stories came along around the time of the French Revolution.

After the year 1660, Europe began many reforms. In Great Britain it became increasingly important for the monarchy to consolidate power within the colony’s and extensive immigration to, and colonization of North America, as well as portions of Asia, Africa, and South America, was well underway. Several countries were major players in the colonization efforts of Europe, but most notably involved Spain, France and Great Britain.

One also sees the rise of freedom writers during this time, Obviously influenced by the revolutionary war taking place in North America, and also the growing unrest taking place in France leading up to the French revolution.



war was occurring / or wars
dancing & music were popular
writers began publishing
During the 17th Century
New creations (what?)
Poetry was being published & developed by famous writers
Religion was a deal within the French Revolution
Death Penalty (event)
What kind of music? classical
Wealth / poverty (both were seen)
Families size depending on wealth

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