English 3336 Course Evaluation

Fall term 2006-2007

This form includes the same items that appear on the university's printed course evaluation form, and includes my version of open-ended questions on the supplementary sheet. You should be aware that I find the open-ended questions far more helpful than the multiple-choice indicators, which often don't apply to a course organized as this one has been (in those cases, mark N/A).

Biographical and other information
1. Course in:
Major Minor Other

2. This course was:
Specifically required Required but a choice among several An elective

3. Year of study:
1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5+ Other

4. Expected Grade in Course:

5. Current Cumulative G.P.A.:
Below 1 1.00-1.50 1.51-2.00 2.01-2.50 2.51-3.00 3.01-3.50 3.51-4.00 Over 4.00

6. Approximate study hours per week for this course:
0 - 2 1 - 3 3 - 5 6 - 8 Over 8 hours

7. Number of classes missed:
0 1 - 3 4 - 6 7 - 9 10 - 12 More than 12

1. I found that course requirements were clearly communicated to me.
Strongly disagree Disagree  Neither Agree Strongly agree  N/A

2. I found a close agreement between course objectives and activities.
Strongly disagree Disagree  Neither Agree Strongly agree  N/A

3. The professor did not arbitrarily cancel classes.
Strongly disagree Disagree  Neither Agree Strongly agree  N/A

4. I found time spent in class was generally useful.
Strongly disagree Disagree  Neither Agree Strongly agree  N/A

5. The professor communicates effectively.
Strongly disagree Disagree Neither Agree Strongly agree N/A

6. It was clear to me how the topics covered formed a coherent course of study.
Strongly disagree Disagree  Neither Agree Strongly agree  N/A

7. I found the various parts of the course (e.g. instructional and learning activities, assignments and readings, etc.) were effectively coordinated.
Strongly disagree Disagree  Neither Agree Strongly agree  N/A

8. Projects and assignments helped to further my understanding of the subject.
Strongly disagree Disagree  Neither Agree Strongly agree  N/A

9. Reading materials used in the course were valuable.
Strongly disagree Disagree  Neither Agree Strongly agree  N/A

10. The professor showed a genuine concern for my progress and was approachable.
Strongly disagree Disagree  Neither Agree Strongly agree  N/A

11. The professor was willing to schedule consultation time with me.
Strongly disagree Disagree  Neither Agree Strongly agree  N/A

12. Methods of evaluation were a fair measure of my performance and learning.
Strongly disagree Disagree  Neither Agree Strongly agree  N/A

13. I received sufficient feedback on the quality of my work.
Strongly disagree Disagree  Neither Agree Strongly agree  N/A

14. I received helpful comments concerning my work.
Strongly disagree Disagree  Neither Agree Strongly agree  N/A

15. This course helped me to grasp some difficult concepts and ideas.
Strongly disagree Disagree  Neither Agree Strongly agree  N/A

16. My ability to think and to learn for myself was developed in this course.
Strongly disagree Disagree  Neither Agree Strongly agree  N/A

17. I found this course intellectually challenging.
Strongly disagree Disagree  Neither Agree Strongly agree  N/A

18. Where appropriate, I felt encouraged to express my own views.
Strongly disagree Disagree  Neither Agree Strongly agree  N/A

19. Experiences and questions were effectively used to help our learning.
Strongly disagree Disagree  Neither Agree Strongly agree  N/A

20. The professor conveyed interest in and enthusiasm for the subject matter.
Strongly disagree Disagree  Neither Agree Strongly agree  N/A

21. I would recommend this course to other students.
Strongly disagree Disagree  Neither Agree Strongly agree  N/A

22. Overall, how would you evaluate this course?
poor adequate good very good excellent N/A

1. This course invites you to do a rather different kind of work than most English courses.  Did you find this helped your learning or made it more difficult?


2. This course invites you to think differently about learning, and about how learning occurs, than most courses. Did you find that it's changing your views (how?) or that it isn't (why?)


3. Much of the work of this course is conducted by means of writing and reading. Did you find that this was helpful to you as a learner, or not? If possible, say something about why this was the case.


4. In this course I attempt to make computers and computer networking a medium of conversation and exchange rather than a technological challenge.  On the whole, is it succeeding? What could have been done better?


5. What do you think it's important for me to know about how this course is working (or isn't) that the questions I've asked above didn't provide for you to answer?


6. What's the most important thing a student thinking of signing up for this course needs to be told?