Criminology 3503 Wrongful Conviction! fall 2024, MWF 11.30 --> 12.20 TBA  Outline  Classlist

week one 9.04-06 Labour Day
wed -- intro
fri -- no class
week five 9.30-04 NatDayRecon
mon--no class  theme: stories
xtra: Walsh; Johnson, video
week nine 10.28-01 forensics
ch09 Mullins, video
xtra: Smith
week thirteen 11.25-29
ch10 Ending wc's
Projects due
week two 9.09-13 theme: factors
ch01 Marginality
xtra: Examining wrongfuls
week six 10.07-11 theme: danger signs
ch05 Morin, video
xtra: Coffin; proposal due
week ten 11.04-08 old cases
xtra: Chamberlain
xtra: Lavallee
week fourteen 12.02-04 wrapup
Exam preview

week three 9.16-20 theme: bias1
ch02 Marshall,
wed: Q1 video
week seven 10.14-18 Thanksgiving
mon--no class; theme: prosecution
ch06 Sophonow; Driskell; Unger; video
week eleven 11.11-15 ReadingWk
no classes
week fifteen 12.09-13 ExamWk
12.14 9am
week four 9.23-27 theme: bias2
ch03 Milgaard, video
proposal review
week eight 10.21-25 prosecution
ch07 Truscott; video
xtra: CP5
week twelve 11.18-22 cold cases
xtra: Harper xtra: Gruenke
xtra: Dangerfield, video
xtra: boy on bicycle xtra: Philleon
xtra: Everett Farmer

Course protocol:
This course is in person, but also uses a hybrid protocol, combining synchronous inclass teaching with asynchronous work, timeshifting class material into a more flexible reality. Using the required course text and notes, guided reading questions and video exercises will be announced in class and through email. The readings are mandatory, exercises are a proxy for class attendance, and all a preparation for a term-length guided independent research project. *This format is flexible, individually-focused, interactive, and indepth* Suggestion: work in dyads or groups. With the ‘hybrid’ format, no class is ever cancelled, just moved online.

Assignments: Most assignments are excuseable but not makeupable
Q1: wed 18th, watch Justice Denied (below), and discuss whether the charge/conviction is fault/error based or a cognitive bias like tunnel vision, racism. Due Fri 20th

Main videos:
Donald Marshall, Justice Denied
Clayton Johnson case, Tide of Suspicion
George Dangerfield, The Wrong Man
Steven Truscott: His Word Against History,
William Mullins-Johnson, A Death in the Family,
David Milgaard, Blood on the Snow,
Guy Paul Morin, Beyond a Shadow of a Doubt,

Extra videos:
Prisoner 14000, 45 mins,

Note: Recording is not permitted, for privacy and copyright issues, as per S3 of the student academic misconduct policy.