English 1006T
Prompt #7
7 October 2003



In Class Today

Since Thursday, you should have spent some time with Robert Bork's "Civil Liberties after 9/11," and chosen three passages of a sentence or two that you think it worth talking about.  You should have with you three sheets of paper, each of which has a copy of a passage from the article at the top of a sheet of paper, and the reason you think it worth talking about it below the fold.

We'll start by talking a bit about "spin" and "bias" as we've been isolating it in texts previously.  I'd like to start with a round, in which you can say or ask whatever you want about it, and then move to a discussion.

Then I want to do a census of the passages from Bork, to see which ones people chose.  I'll mark them on an online copy of the article. Then we'll see what patterns we can find, and what people said about some of them.

I'll collect the folded papers; I want to do some further work on what people said about their passages.  Make sure your name is on all three of yours.

For next time

We'll continue talking about the Bork piece, but you should read with some care the Monbiot "Left Behind to Starve."

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