English 1006T
Prompt #12
21 October 2003

Moving on

In Class Today:

We'll continue to talk about what people found with regard to the question they explored for last time.  This will mean that you need, first, to give the document you traded for last time back to its author.  We'll ask each person who didn't get to talk about their exploration last time to describe their main findings and say what they think the connection is with the article.  We'll then go round quickly and see what people found when they tried to replicate someone else's research.  We'll talk about research strategies. I'll collect all the reports -- (1) the originals and (2) the reports on attempting to replicate and expand.

We'll also talk a bit about the email to Aunt Sadie (in Prompt #11) and what it's about.

I'll also talk a bit about my strategies for covering the departmental goals for English 1006, as outlined in the statement on the course by the department, and indicate what I'm planning for the separate English seminar next term. 

By the end of Friday

I should have received an email to Aunt Sadie.

Before next Tuesday

(Re)read the statement of goals for English 1006. Write a paragraph or two in which you say which of these goals seem most important to you -- which ones you'd be most interested in paying particular attention to during next term's English disciplinary seminar -- and why.  Save this file in HTML format in your public_html folder with the filename goals.htm (in the same way as you're saving the encyc1.htm file for Religious Studies). These documents are public, and I'll be asking people to read each other's and respond to them over the next month. We won't be meeting as an English class, but English goes on.

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