English 1006T
Prompt #14
18 November 2003

Reflections, and planning next term

Connecting what we know from English to what we're doing in Truth

We have three things to do today. First, I want simply to do a round and ask people what issues in what they've been doing in connection with their inquiry group work seems to them connected with what we did in English, and how, and to pose any questions they may have about it. You can pass, or say whatever seems relevant to you.

Reflecting on learning

Then I want to talk just a bit about the reflection on your learning I've invited everybody to do by the end of this week, and outline what I expect will happen with it.

Looking forward

Finally, and perhaps most important, I want to begin the process of identifying what goals, among those outlined in the English department's agreement about English 1006, are of most importance to people in this year's Truth in Society, and coming to agreement on what we might do, both during the second term's English seminar meetings and throuigh the rest of the year, to fulfil them.

I've assembled the substance of the reflections people published on their Web sites, organized by topic, and put them on the Web site, here (linked from the main English 1006 Web page).

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