English 1006T
Prompt #26
17 February 2004

Continuing with Shakespeare

The Tempest vs. Romeo and Juliet

I was surprised (though I shouldn't have been) at the thoughtfulness and depth of the reflections on The Tempest on people's Web sites. I don't know how many people will have read them, but I don't want to miss the chance to talk about them, and the production. Also, I know that as of noontime today there were some people who hadn't had time to post about their character in Romeo and Juliet. What I propose, then, is that we take some time today to wrap up our experience of The Tempest, and postpone our discussion of the last three acts of Romeo till Thursday.

On the assumption that everybody won't have read them, I'll distribute some copies of what people wrote about The Tempest, and we'll use them to structure the discussion. Everyone should post your descriptions of your character's acts and motives in Romeo before tonight; that way everyone will have done it before seeing the production. You might also want to read -- and comment on or respond to, on the forum -- what other people are saying, as well, if you haven't already.

Everyone should, of course, see the production of Romeo and -- as before -- post a reflection on the whole experience on your Web site, this time calling the file romeo.htm. In this case, though, what I'd like you to do after you've posted your reflection on the experience of seeing the play is then to go to the Romeo forum on ceilidh, where at the top there'll be a posting asking you to invite others to read and respond to your Web site reflection. What you should do there is describe in a sentence what you say in the longer posting and invite any response you like: be specific if you want, be general if you want.  But at the bottom make a link back to your Web posting, simply by typing in the URL, in the form http://people.stu.ca/~gwxyz/romeo.htm, where gwxyz is your ID.

Everyone should read, and respond on the forum to, at least a couple of these postings before the beginning of next week.

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