English 1006T
Prompt #29
8 April 2004

Finishing up English 1006

Adding to a learning reflection

Everyone wrote, at the end of the English seminars, a learning reflection, which is available on her Web site, and through the table of links on the English 1006 main site. Since we finished explicitly attending to issues from the perspective of the discipline of English, though, it's clear (at least to me) that those issues have often illuminated, or been illuminated by, some of the things we discussed during the English seminars. To finish this process, here's what I suggest you do: reread your own English learning reflection. Read those of a few other people. Have another look at the statement of goals for English 1006.

Then go back to your own, draw a line across the page, write "reflecting on the inquiry process," and do that, thinking about what aspects of your participation in the process were relevant to, reinforced, or allowed you to apply, things that we talked about during the English seminars. Budget no more than a couple of hours for this.

Do it by April 19.

An offer you might refuse

All three of the Inquiry Reports seem to me powerful, thoughtful documents that are worth preserving and giving wider circulation. But all three still need some more or less serious copy-editing, in order to be documents that all of us can be satisfied with (not finished, not perfect, but ready for publication).

Here's an offer: if anyone (one or two, or all) members of a group want to participate in this process, let me know, and we'll set a time in the next two weeks -- it'll probably require a couple of hours -- to sit down and seriously copy-edit the text. Once we've done that, I'll print out new copies for the folks involved, and I'll also put the text on the STU Web site in the form of a .pdf file, so that anyone who wants to consult it -- or print her own -- will be able to.

I make this offer for a couple of reasons. I'd like to have the texts available as something I can use as an example of the sort of work that might be done as part of the Truth in Society process, but I don't feel that I can take responsibility for the copy editing myself without taking over ownership of the text (and right now I don't think they're ready for prime time).

And -- maybe more important -- I think there are things that you might stand to learn (things that will be useful to you in the rest of your career) by participating in such a process.

So if you're interested, email me and the rest of your focus group and we'll work a time out.

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