English 1006T
23 September 2003

"The Missing News" Again

Here are three passages from the article (which is at http://www.policyalternatives.ca/publications/articles/article213.html) that people in the class suggested might be rewritten to change their "spin."  Try a rewrite of  each. We'll talk about some alternatives.

More notably, the filtering effects of pressure from advertisers was not widely acknowledged in the interviews: only a few journalists intimated otherwise, suggesting that people in news media always have to be concerned about biting the hand that feeds them. (click here for some alternative phrasings)

Rather, it is a process of socialization, something that reporters and editors learn and "internalize on the job."

Another reporter argued that, because newspaper owners come from the ranks of the affluent, it is unlikely that they will be interested in adopting editorial stances that criticize business or challenge the privileged place of affluent Canadians in shaping public policy.
