English 1006
Prompt #36a
19 November 2013

Additional information

What Prompt #36 said:
After 4:00, and before 1:00 Thursday, select two items from the "Information about Poe and "The Tell-Tale Heart"" forum that you think provide sufficient information to be listed in the reference list of a paper that followed MLA format, and post both, in one posting, to the "Formatting citations" forum. All you need to post are the citations themselves; you don't need explanatory text. If you want to add a question or comment, though, feel free.

Making it clearer, I hope:

There are a large, and thus confusing, number of posts on the Information forum. Here's a way to find items that could be useful for this assignment. Many of the original postings (on the forum, the original postings are the ones which are at the left margin, not indented) didn't give sufficient information for the item to be listed in a reference list. Thus I'm suggesting you begin with postings whose title is "looking for sources," and select two that indicate there was sufficient information in the posting they were responding to. You can look at the original posting that they respond to for more detail or more information about the source.

When you have the information, try to format it in the way suggested on the OWL page about MLA formatting of electronic sources. It might look like either of these:

Felluga, Dino. Guide to Literary and Critical Theory. Purdue U, 28 Nov. 2003. Web. 10 May 2006.

Miksanek, Tony. "Literature Annotations: Poe, Edgar Allan, "The Tell-Tale Heart." Literature, Art and Medicine Database. 18 October 2004. New York University. Web. 19 November 2013.

When you post your response, it might look just about like that.

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