English 3336 Restoration and Eighteenth Century Drama and Theatre
Prompt # 21
24 October 2012

Deciding on a play

In class this morning

We have one item on the agenda today, to decide on a play. As of 8:45, here are the "standings":
Iya Adam Matt Kayla Tabitha
Lerma 2-1 2 1
Indian Queen 2-3 4 1
Five Hours 3-4 2 2
She Would 3 4 3
Henry 2-1 3 4

We meed to come to a consensus.

When we've done that, we'll decide (or I'll figure out) where to find copies of the play, and begin reading the text for Friday morning.

The main thing to do in reading a text like this as part of exploring a new form is to keep a diary composed mainly of questions and expressions of surprise or interest. On Friday morning you should bring a reading diary to class. One way to keep such a diary is to say you're going to write a comment of some kind at a regular interval -- say, twice a page or every 50 lines or so -- and if nothing's occurred to you by the time you hit your limit, inkshed (simply write off the top of your head) for three or four minutes, and then start a new chunk of reading.

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