English 3236 Restoration and Eighteenth Century Drama and Theatre
Prompt # 57
20 March 2013

Looking at some scenes

Giving up on questions

I had hoped to generate some concrete conversation about the comedies we've all read by asking everyone to ask at least four questions of each of the wikis on comedy. That didn't work very well. Where one might have expected at least 20 posted questions on each play (120) by today, there are only 34, and only 15 answers. Not many got very far beyond the expression of general opinions.  We'd have discussed them today, had there not been a slightly delayed Saint Patrick's Day blizzard.

Moving to some specifics

Everyone proposed a scene from the play focused on; I'd like to spend some time looking more carefully at those scenes. However, in posting them two important questions were not usually answered: what do we know to understand what's happening in this scene, and what have critics and scholars said about why it's important -- not only in the play itself, but to our understanding of the comedy of the period.

So, for Friday, here are two of  the questions I'd have posted, in each case:

  1. Can you give us the setup, the basic understanding, we need to read the scene in isolation?
  2. Can you find a quote or two where people (scholars, critics) have said things about the scene that led you to argue that it's important?
See if you can answer those two questions about your scene for class on Friday morning. I'll post my questions on the forum today; post your answers as responses to them.

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