English 3336 Restoration and Eighteenth Century Poetry and Prose
Prompt # 10
28 September 2011

Some "short" questions from the groups in class Wednesday

These are the questions in the order in which they were posted on the whiteboards.

  1. What kinds of developments were going on exactly?
  2. Why did catholicism decline?
  3. What kinds of people shared the opinion to shed Christian beliefs?
  4. What new styles were being created, and what was fading out of the picture?
  5. What types of writing styles existed in the literature?
  6. When did the diary become popular?
  7. Who were some authors that were still focused on the classical style?
  8. Who were some of the authors that Dryden criticized?
  9. Who were some of the writers focused on scientific advancements?
  10. What is the Abolition of the Star Chamber in 1641?
  11. Who, other than Johnson, were the prose "masters"?
  12. What were Cibber's major works?
  13. What is the Royal Society (1661)?
  14. What was Charles 1st 1641 decree?
  15. Which of Fielding's political plays specifically led to the Licensing Act?
  16. What were second-class poets?
  17. Who are some other "graveyard poets"?
  18. What, specifically, is the "graveyard poet"?
  19. Did this trend continue the whole way through the century?
  20. What does "Restoration" actually refer ot?
  21. Were there any other females writers (like Wollstonecraft) who were important in the 18th c?
  22. At what point in time did poetry begin to have structure?
  23. Who are some writers involved with Gothic novels?
  24. What caused the rise in power of the Anglican Church?
  25. What does "Rape of the Lock" mean?
  26. Maisa named a few 18th c female authors. What did each of them bring to the table (of Eng Lit)?
  27. Who was the first satirist? Why was Charles II coming back to take the throne in 1660 if he had been exiled prior to that year?
  28. Who is Anthony Burgess and why is he important among 20th century critics?
  29. Who published the writers if they were criticising society?
  30. Did the church have any influence over writing at the time?
  31. Swift was born in Ireland. Where were the other influential writers born (if they weren't born in England)?
  32. Did Swift write in England or Ireland?
  33. What triggered Newton about "the idea that there is a divine order & reason to the universe"?
Here is the list of questions I've randomly assigned to people in the class:
Elora Arsenault: 1, 21, 8, 28, 15 
Colin Belyea: 2, 22, 9, 29, 16 
Amber Carroll: 3, 23, 10, 30, 17 
Tom Creagh: 4, 24, 11, 31, 18 
Chris Daley: 5, 25, 12, 32, 19 
Nicole Demerchant: 6, 26, 13, 33, 20 
Jeremy Fowler: 7, 27, 14, 1, 21 
Kirsten Graham: 8, 28, 15, 2, 22 
Paige Guptill: 9, 29, 16, 3, 23 
Jenna Hamilton: 10, 30, 17, 4, 24 
Elizabeth Harrison: 11, 31, 18, 5, 25 
Maisa Leibovitz: 12, 32, 19, 6, 26 
Matt Pain: 13, 33, 20, 7, 27 
Andria Peters: 14, 1, 21, 8, 28 
Georgia Priestley-Brown: 15, 2, 22, 9, 29 
Sarah Reicker: 16, 3, 23, 10, 30 
Kale Robinson: 17, 4, 24, 11, 31 
Ianic Roy Richard: 18, 5, 25, 12, 32 
Michael Taggart: 19, 6, 26, 13, 33
Mitchell Walsh: 20, 7, 27, 14, 1

Here's your assignment: consider the five questions you've been assigned. Ignore one of them (whichever you think you can best ignore). See what you can do, in the two or three hours you should allot to this assignment, what you can do about finding answers the the four that are left. For any that it seems necessary, explain why you don't think the question can be answered, or why you think it needs to be rephrased in order to be answered. Rephrase and answer any for which it seems useful to do that. Answer any you can.

Post your answers or explanations on the Forum that's been set up on the class Web  site. We'll talk about your experiences with this on Monday.

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