English 3336 Restoration and Eighteenth Century Poetry and Prose
Prompt # 16
12 - 17 October 2011
Starting work on some questions

Here are the questions people said they'd like to have explored and the people who are going to spend the next week exploring them (list updated as of Sunday afternoon):

What to do

Your aim is to spend the time you'd budget for this course between now and Monday finding a useful answer to your question, writing it up as a draft report and posting it on the Questions for Exploration forum.  But, just as important as your report, and more immediate, is to keep a specific, step by step diary of everything you do as you look for an answer to your question. And by everything, I mean everything: if you search for something on line, keep a record of your exact search terms and where you used them; if you looked in a book, note exactly what book it is, how you found it, and what you did as you looked; if you went to the library and asked a research librarian for advice, transcribe as closely as you can what she said, and did; and so forth.

If you were not in class, email me as soon as possible with your preferences (remembering that the best choices will be those fewer people are working on and more people are interested in the answers to).

If you have second thoughts -- if you start on a question and think it looks like a really bad idea -- email me with an alternative suggestion. (But do keep track of everything you did to explore the first one.)

Post your draft report on the Draft reports on second set of short questions forum before class time Monday, and bring your research diary to class with you.

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