English 3336 Restoration and Eighteenth Century Poetry and Prose
Prompt # 21
The Eve of All Hallows' Day 2011

Pulling things together

Assembling what's been learned

We should have a number of reports on our writers available to deal with. With some luck, they'll be very different, and perhaps contradictory, and organized quite differently. Remember that people went out to find answers to these questions about the writer they'd been assigned:

What I'd like each of the groups to do today during class time today is to combine the reports available into one more-or-less coherent report (with repetitions eliminated, contradictions either resolved or acknowledged, and ambiguities clarified), with a list of all the resources used at the bottom. You can organize it as you like, but I would think a default mode would be to answer the questions above, probably in that order. Note that I've moved the resources question to the bottom; it can probably be answered with your list of sources -- if you want to identify the most useful ones you can probably do that with an asterisk in front of them.

I've printed out the ones available for printing up to a few minute ago, so you can work from hard copy to start with, but you'll want to work on a laptop or in a lab. If you have a report that didn't get posted, work with that; if someone posted a report but isn't here, make sure to include it.

Where the collaborative reports will live and breathe

I've created five "wiki" pages, one for each of the five writers. These pages can be edited by anybody in the group, and they "track" edits so that if someone screws up, you can go back and replace what she mistakenly deleted or changed. They're linked from the groups page (so are all the individual reports on each writer). All can be found directly on the course Moodle page, too.

The editing process that's most efficient in these cases is to copy and paste from the reports, putting together the bits that are necessary and (in the case of duplication) that fit best with what else there is, and then to edit the whole thing to make sure it's consistent. I'd begin working with the printed pages, marking what needs to be copied onto the wiki, and then gather around one screen and do the copying and pasting, and then the editing.

Between now and Wednesday

Read the other four reports (and, of course, your own) and be prepared to help make some decisions about what we should all read first.

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