English 3336 Restoration and Eighteenth Century Poetry and Prose
Prompt # 45
1 Foreveruary 2012

Onward through the storm

An absence of discussion

I had hoped we'd narrow the list of possibilities people might choose to read by discussion. Here's what I propose to do instead.

First, go back through the proposals on the "Exploring Defoe" forum, and post a response to at least one which you found persuasive and which did not recommend a work you yourself recommended. Explain why you found it persuasive.

Do this by tonight.

Tomorrow morning, have a look at all the new postings and make a decision about one text you propose to read and report on for class Monday. If your chosen text is more than about 50 pages long, chose 50 or so pages to read, and in your report make clear exactly what you read and how you decided to read that.

Compose as descriptive a report as you can -- this shouldn't be an expression of enthusiasm for the work, it should be an attempt to explain exactly what the work is, how it sounds (quote sample passages), how it's organized, what its impact on a sympathetic reader is. This is a report of the territory, not a tourist guidebook recommendation (more like A Tour Through the Whole Island of Great Britain than like Visit Scenic Cornwall).

By class time Monday, post your report on the Reporting Defoe Readings forum.

And have fun in the snow.

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