English 3336 Restoration and Eighteenth Century Poetry and Prose
Prompt # 59
21 March 2012

Dictionaries, the Dictionary, and moving on

We've got some thoughts and reflections on reading about Johnson and the Dictionary (and Lord Chesterfield). I'd like to take a few minutes to give you a chance to read through a few of them and mark the passages worth attending to; I'll select out and post on the Web site the ones most selected. We'll take a few minutes for questions and ideas about them, and I'll take a few minute to suggest something about Johnson's writing style (which probably won't convince those who find him dry, but may help those who don't, and those who do, to see something important about it).

We'll  then give the groups set up last time the rest of the class period to work toward creating a specific, doable assignment in their area of Johnson's writing. You'll remember that the wiki page with readings and information needs to be in place by Friday morning, which is when I'll post a schedule.

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