English 3336 Restoration and Eighteenth Century Poetry and Prose
Prompt # 64
4 April 2012

Johnson, Boswell, and Scotland

The readings, the responses

Let's do this the same way we have in the last few sessions: take some time to read through what people said, find issues that should be discussed, and discuss them.

Let's do it the way we did last time. As you read, mark what you find interesting. When you've read a half dozen or more, look for the one you'd most like to draw to everyone's attention, make sure there's a box around the text you want us to look at, and sign your name next to it. Hand it to me, and we'll use those as a basis for discussion. I'll display each on the screen so we'll all know what the text is.

Finishing up

Because of a weird decision made by the Powers that Be, our next and last meeting will be April 11 a week from today, and here's what I propose for that final meeting. I've set up a Moodle forum called "Closure Issues," linked from the main course Web site. You are hereby invited to pose any issue you think should be discussed (it might concern any of the issues this course is designed to address -- but not matters having to do with the conduct or organization of the course; let's keep it to what the course has been about) on that forum. Post your discussion proposal in time for others to read it: say, Saturday night). Be as clear, specific, and concrete as you can. Between Easter and Wednesday afternoon, read as many as you can, and reply to at least a couple by suggesting why you think it's important that we should talk about it.

Last things

By tomorrow there will be a Prompt online outlining in detail what will need to be done to finish up the course. Usually this would be published at the last meeting, but given the unusual nature of the schedule at the end of this term, I decided to move it up. It will be on the course Web site, and I urge you to read it with some care, and raise any questions you have about it by emailing the course list (hunt3336@stu.ca) before that last class meeting.

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