25 June: The Departure through Halifax

We arrived in Shad Bay in the early afteroon. I don't know why we got this picture of Rhi and this one of Brad, but we did. We had a great afternoon, including a tour conducted by Jif of the Wyatt garden, which is far ahead of the one on the Ridge. We also got Jif to model the wonderful bead vest that K8 made and which we gave her for her birthday. After dinner we had an amazingly frustrating trip to the airport, including a long traffic jam by the fairgrounds. Eventually, though, we did make the airport, only to discover that the flight was five (count 'em, five) hours late. Instead of leaving at 7:30, which we'd planned on, it was now scheduled to start boarding about 11:30. So, after some discussion, we all repaired to the bar, where it seemed reasonable to buy one large (you see by large they mean L A R G E) beer rather than a couple of small ones. We discovered that even the Shirley Temples were, shall we say , Brobdingnagian. We sat around and talked, Jif gave the girls some travelers' cheques, and eventually we said goodbye at security and we were off.
The trip
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