I am a US and Canadian licensed immigration lawyer in Nova Scotia. I
assist and advise people in determining whether they are US citizens,
or whether they lost their US citizenship when they became Canadian;
in renouncing their US citizenship; and in obtaining certificates of
loss of nationality dating back to the time they may have expatriated
themselves from the United States. I also refer clients to competent
US and Canadian tax advisors. My email is blair@allhod.com; my phone
is 902-275-2889.

(Ms.) Blair Hodgman (blair@allhod.com)

USA:  (216) 593-0180  Fax:  (216) 593-0181
24400 Highpoint Rd., Suite 3
Beachwood OH 44122

CANADA:  (902) 275-2889  Fax:  (902) 275-5766
3 Tremont St.
Chester NS B0J1J0
