CASLL / Inkshed maintains a Web site where you can find back issues of the Inkshed Newsletter, information on conferences, and other information about the organization, here.
If you want to know more about what "Inkshed" is and means, click here, where you'll find a draft of an explanation of the process and its history.
More to the point, there is an electronic discussion forum, run on a LISTSERV recently moved to the University of Toronto, and "owned" (that is, they sweep the streets and take out the garbage) by Russ Hunt at St. Thomas University. and Margaret Procter at Toronto. The list is electronically archived in The CASLL Vault. The archive is arranged by months, is searchable, and is complete back to the beginning of 1995.
To subscribe to this list, you send, to, a one-line mail message saying simply "subscribe CASLL-L [your name]."
The message will be forwarded to Russ and Margaret, and one of them will complete the process.