Russ Hunt: On Literacy Development

"Traffic in Genres, In Classrooms and Out." Genre and the New Rhetoric, ed. Peter Medway and Aviva Freedman. 212-230. London: Taylor & Francis, 1994.

[With James A. Reither.] "Beyond Portfolios: Scenes for Dialogic Reading and Writing." New Directions in Portfolio Assessment: Reflective Practice, Critical Theory, and Large-Scale Scoring, ed. L. Black, D. A. Daiker, J. Summers, and G. Stygall. 168-182. Portsmouth, New Hampshire: Boynton/Cook Heinemann, 1994.

[with James A. Reither.] "A Workshop: Knowledge in the Making in Writing, English, and Other Content Courses."Contextual Literacy: Writing Across the Curriculum, ed. Catherine F. Schryer and Laurence Steven. 137-157. Winnipeg: Inkshed Publications, 1994.

"Texts, Textoids and Utterances: Writing and Reading for Meaning, In and Out of Classrooms."Constructive Reading: Teaching Beyond Communication. Ed. Deanne Bogdan and Stanley B. Straw. 113-129. Portsmouth, New Hampshire: Heinemann-Boynton/Cook, 1993.

"Utterance in the Classroom: Dialogic Motives for Invention." Paper, Conference on College Composition and Communication. Cincinnati, March 1992. Resources in Education (March, 1992): ERIC Microfiche Card ED 345 271.

"Foreword." Interwoven Conversations: Learning and Teaching Through Critical Reflection, by Judith M. Newman. vii-xii. Toronto: OISE Press; Portsmouth, New Hampshire: Heinemann, 1991.

"R Texts Us?" Inkshed 10:1 (October 1991), 5-6.

"Subverting the Literary System: Nonhegemonic Literary Socialization." Proceedings of the Second IGEL-Conference: Amsterdam 1991, ed. Elrud Ibsch, Dick Schram, and Gerard Steen. 175-180. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 1991.

"A Horse Named Hans, a Boy Named Shawn: the Herr von Osten Theory of Response to Writing."Writing and Response: Theory, Practice, and Research, ed. Chris M. Anson. Champaign-Urbana: National Council of Teachers of English, 1989. 80-100.

"Learning to Converse With Texts: Some Real Readers, Some Real Texts, and the Pragmatic Situation."SPIEL: Siegener Periodicum zur Internationalen Empirischen Literaturwissenschaft 8:1 (1989), 107-130.

"Process vs. Genre: Australian-rules Martial Arts in Language Education." Inkshed 8:2 (March 1989), 14-18.

"'Could You Put in Lots of Holes?' Modes of Response to Writing." Language Arts 64:2 (February 1987), 229-232. Repr. Interwoven Conversations: Learning and Teaching Through Critical Reflection, by Judith M. Newman. 378-382. Toronto: OISE Press; Portsmouth, New Hampshire: Heinemann, 1991.

"Technological Gift-Horse: Some Reflections on the Teeth of Cassette-Marking." College English 36:5 (January 1975), 581-585.

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