Blitzing Athens

October 29-31

So on the way from Frankfurt we did fly over the Alps, but the experience doesn't translate all that well into pictures. Athens, however, is a bit more photogenic. Our hotel said it was admired for its "cubist" architecture, but we thought it more brutalist (and whatever do you suppose an "embryoland" is?). Anyway, the view was nice. First thing we did was get to the Acropolis Museum, which was astounding, although the transparent pavement didn't photograph all that well. This was what was underneath the entire building. How they built it we couldn't imagine. We walked around the Acropolis, though the top itself was closing in twenty minutes, so we contented ourselves with the hill behind it.

On the walk to the subway the next day I thought I'd document some Athenian parking practices.

On Saturday I went to Syntagma Square, from where you can walk to Lykavettos, and if you're foolish enough, climb it, I guess for the view. And then I found my way to Monastiraki Square, where the tube station is a museum, and the souvlaki was just about as I remembered it.

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