Russ and Jif Protest Atlantica

[click on the thumbnails to see the amazing quality Jif's camera (and Jif) produce;
I've brutally cut over half the pictures, and it was bloody hard to do]

When we arrived at the park, the folks from Maine were offering guided tours  of their graphics . We wandered  around  looking things  over,  and trying to make  some sense  of the graphics.  The first person I knew that I ran into was Kenna Manos , an old Inkshed buddy . She was there with the Raging  Grannies. There were other folks there, too --  you can see them behind the  Grannies , more and more  of them . There were also the rest of us , like John McKendy  and various not-so-great speakers  and the occasional Inkshedder  (that's Kenna's bag) and some pretty strange folks,  too .  The even stranger ones were there , all the time, too , along with the media . That's an ex-student, Nicolle Carlin , covering it for CTV.  Besides the Grannies, we also had the Radical  Cheerleaders. Eventually we started down  Spring Garden, with the police keeping us  safely to the right and stopping for traffic lights , even when we turned up Barrington. There were some confrontations with the cops , but they were all pretty conversational -- or silent . We passed this pub , and agreed it looked like a Canadian version of an Amsterdam whorehouse. We got to the park below the Metro Centre  and all that happened from our point of  view was a few more speeches . We went for lunch, and (thankfully) missed the real confrontations, which were back on Spring Garden Road and below the Citadel.

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