Anne Goes Through the Back
of the Wardrobe
"I'm home and the whole west coast experience
seems other dimensional, like I just stepped through the back of the wardrobe
and there were all the Camerons, Elizabeth and Nerta, the major figures
in the field of early childhood, the mountains, the Pacific ocean. Then,
I just stepped back in and there was Keswick Ridge with the beans still
waiting to be processed." -- Anne, in an email 13 August
I was whisked, by Ann, from
the Vancouver airport to a wonderful restaurant in Horseshoe Bay
where I had dinner with the Cameron clan. Then we took the ferry to Bowen
Hiking, the next
day, we met the resident slugs, about 7 inches long, and bright yellow.
Our route took us around Killarney Lake,
a pond fed by a stream,
and through a rain forest with amazing
fallen logs that supported new life.
Out of each tree grew several new trees of various species.
Diversity from a single fallen log. On our way back from Bowen we met Ian
and his frog car (painted it himself). 
Goodbye Bowen, Hello Tswassen. This is my ferry arriving to take me to
Mt Baxter was
on the horizon as we left the port. You need to take my word for it.
Sunset as we sailed from the mainland to Victoria was beautiful.
My little disposable camera doesn't do it justice.
The passages between islands were very narrow. The trip reminded me of
our time in the fiords in Norway.
Our ferry passed another in the little narrows you can just make out ahead
of us in this picture.
is Elizabeth Dillon and Joyce's $830,000 house in Victoria.
They had arranged to have Nerta there when I came for a glass of wine before
my conference dinner.
Valerie and her husband were visiting too. Note the palm tree in the garden.
This was my attempt to photograph the bunnies that run wild on the UVic
campus. Look hard.
I wish I
had waited to shoot this last picture because the bunnies were everywhere.
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