Anne and Russ visit Bielefeld and environs
June 7-10

It was great to see Ulrike and Achim Barsch again.

And equally great that Marie-Laure and Peter Hejl came for a visit and a bit of Spazieren.

We visited some of the interesting and surprising places nearby, in Minden, like the Kaiser-Wilhelm-Denkmal, at the "Gateway to Westphalia."

We also saw the amazing ship elevator which lowers and raises ships between the Mittelland Kanal and the River Weser.

And in Minden itself there's the Dom and a wonderful Fußgängerzone.

In Bielefeld we visited the municipal museum, where in the industry section there was a astonishing Jacquard loom (and lots of other interesting stuff we didn't get pictures of. And in the Fußgängerzone is still the best ice cream store we can remember (Rachael and Rhi might remember it, too).

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