The long-awaited expedition to Cape Split (8 October 2006)

When we arrived at the end of the road it was rather like a parking lot , but once we got started we really didn't see all that many people on the trail.  We did see some interesting fungus, but mostly the trail looked a lot like this . We weren't scared off by the warning signs,  either.  There were some nice places to rest a bit , and eventually we started to catch glimpses of the Chignecto  Bay, north of the Cape. I even tried for a pano rama, though not with much success. We knew we were near the end when we came out on this cliff . Pretty soon Jif was coaxing her mother  nearer the edge. So here we were out on the bare point at the end of the world, or what seems pretty near it from where we stood.  At this point I tried for another pano  rama. Missed that one, too. We settled down to take it all in , along with some Honeycrisps, while I tried to capture something of the vertiginous  quality of the place . We were especially struck by the standing stones at the very tip of the peninsula. I tried, again, for a pano rama, from the standing stones right across the weird suspended meadow out there  . Finally, we started back (more to come, when I get the third roll developed).