The Graduations

29 June 2006

This was as close as we got F1010013.JPGto a picture of Rachael in her gown, because she was out the door before breakfast.  We got there a bit later, found our seats in the end balcony, and soon F1010015.JPG the graduates spilled out into F1010016.JPG the rink. Rachael was in the W's, third F1010017.JPGfrom last. But it wasn't really all that long before she marched F1010018.JPG across to pick up her diploma and pose for the official F1010019.JPG  picture (here it is> and on back F1010020.JPG to her seatF1010021.JPG. And it wasn't long again before they announced individual prize winners and she was asked to stand F1010022.JPG as the winner of the fine arts prize -- and then, a while later, she went back up F1010024.JPG onto the platform as one of the top ten students at Halifax West (number 8, we learned; here's that picture). Outside afterward we met her art F1000002.JPG teacher, and took F1000003.JPG pictures F1000004.JPG in the F1000005.JPGparking F1000007.JPGlot. I just missed a sisterly hug, but got this F1000006.JPG one. Then it was off to the celebratory lunch F1000008.JPG at F1000009.JPGMontana's.

Graduation at Brookside was a little, um, lower key.  Here's Rhi F1000010.JPG on her way in. We didn't actually lay eyes on her again till it was all over but the shouting. Luckily, there was a good deal F1000012.JPG of that. She did get the requisite piece F1000014.JPG of paper, and some F1000015.JPG motherly F1000016.JPG grandparently F1000017.JPG approval. There was lots F1000022.JPG of F1000018.JPG smiling F1000019.JPG and schmoozing F1000020.JPG and sharing F1000021.JPG of memories.

Here are the pictures Jif sent later of the prom dresses. We love the pose (Jif says, "Snow White and Rose Red, eh?" RandR We also liked Rhi's hat rhi and Rachael's hair hair -- and this is us with Rachael us outside the convention centre. And here's Rachael Rachael et al. with her friends at the prom.

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