Having heard about the UNESCO
World Heritage site at Joggins, we decided to take the three hour drive
and have a look. The building housing the museum
was promising (though too dark for pictures inside). The walk down to the
beach and the cliffs started inauspiciously
but we ignored the sign (except for the cool graphics) and went
down to where the fossils
and the rock formations
really were
quite incredible.
Fossils literally everywhere,
and you could easily see what the Fundy
was doing to the cliff, although where the rocks like this
were coming from wasn't
clear at all.
Up there,
I guess.This one was all
fossils, sort of a rock chowder. And folks had left
some good ones
by the
bottom of the stair (against the law to take them home).
It was so cold (and the tide was coming in) that we left before we'd seen anywhere near all we wanted. We agreed that we'll go back on a warm day, a couple of hours after high tide.