We walked down the road in the
wonderful cool afternoon sunshine, turned in at the sign
and eventually found the violins tuning up
After a bit of wonderful music on the deck, Jon-O and Sari appeared
to the rapt attention of the assembled
multitude, and then there was
a wonderful ceremony under the arch (a wonderful home-made
compromise between Jewish and Japanese, as was
much of the
including the signing of the papers while
the brothers, the official witnesses, looked on and everyone admired the
gorgeous obi
the also gorgeous flowers, especially the miraculous morning glories
The second part of the day involved a "car parade" down the road to
Carlisle's U-Pick
where the apples were stunning and so was the bride
and the groom
and the wedding guests coming up the road
with the harvest. Meanwhile, back at the
, edibles
were appearing
and the, um, venerable tradition of the "Wedding Apple Crisp"
was being organized, including the duel between the industrial peeler and
manual style
, under the
spreading maple tree.
Dinner, catered by Flavas ,
was consumed in the sunshine (along with the dynamite apple crisp), and
the wedding
But first there had to be champagne
for everybody, served up by Stacey, David, and the bride and groom
who looked just wonderfully pleased
about the whole thing. David made a bit of a speech
and proposed a toast
and the cake was duly cut
Afterward, as the weather cooled down, the party moved
inside, and warmed
especially when the fiddlers
reappeared, and
got people
around the
Sari, having finally started looking like the Sari we all know
grabbed a violin too, and we
were all off. Just a hint of the festivities can be downloaded here
(ignore the end: I don't yet know how to (a) turn off the camera or (b)
edit video).