The Open Hoot

Open reading at Swizzles, 16 August 2004

We arrived on Queen Street looking for the Dusty Owl "Open Hoot," at Swizzles, and were greeted by K8. We went downstairs, sat down and ordered a beer, and after preliminaries, including the introduction of the "Object of Desire" by K8, people who had signed up got up to read. Some were new, and hadn't been here or done this before, and were welcomed. Others were old hands. At one point a hat was passed by K8, hiding behind a pillar. After everyone had read, there were readings of poems written -- by these intrepid folks -- about the Object of Desire. The "Applause-O-Meter identified the Winner, Nedra, who was presented with the Object itself. Afterward. we walked back to find Frederika and we went off to the Market to find dinner.

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