Gardenstown and Crovie
May 9

Gardenstown and Crovie (pronounced "crivvie") are due north of Aberdeen, on what is really the north shore of the Aberdeenshire peninsula, and we drove up to take the walk along the shore, which meme and Brad said was worth seeing.. We started out at the end of the precipitous road, in Gardenstown, which is a quite lovely town spilling down the steep shore toward the sea. The way to Crovie, though, was a bit daunting , not least because of the rain. This is Crovie -- a line of houses at the shore and below the cliffs. The whole town is about 40 feet wide -- in a storm, it must be unimaginable. Having walked the length of it we turned back on the threateningly signed path, which must be impassable at high tide, and wended our way through Gardenstown, and back to the car. There's a fair bit more on Crovie here, on the "Undiscovered Scotland" site. I guess we discovered it.

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