Gradesheet Crim 3563 Visual Criminology, 2nd term
2023-24, MWF, 12.30-1.30, MMH203 exam 4.17. @ 2pm
proposed marking scale for classmark (engagement exercises):
Bonus=A21 10=A-20 9=B18.5 8=B-17.5
7=C16 6=C-15 5=D14 <4=F10
class 25 |
prop 20
proj 30
fin 25
B 15
1074572 |
A 17
1072511 |
B 15
1074576 |
A- 16
1075866 |
B 15
1067982 |
B- 14
A 17
Graffitti |
1074456 |
B 15
1078506 |
B 15
1074703 |
B- 14
1077100 |
C 13
1076331 |
C- 12
1077262 |
B 15
A 17
1075299 |
B- 14
1077348 |
C- 12
1075172 |
B+ 15.5
1075621 |
C- 12
1074682 |
A+ 18
1077656 |
B 15
1074496 |
B 15
1078758 |
B 15
1078529 |
B- 14
1072320 |
A 17
1078286 |
B 15
1072713 |
B 15
1077568 |
A- 16
B- 14
1069567 |
B- 14
1075633 |
A 17
1072089 |
A- 16
1074784 |
A- 16
1077724 |
1074916 |
B- 14
1079024 |
B- 14
1071939 |
A 17
1077714 |
B- 14
1072838 |
A 17
1075393 |
A- 16
1072826 |
B- 14
1074815 |
1073240 |
1081617 |
A- 16
C 13
Assignments: All assignments are (in general) excuseable but
not makeupable.
Q1 1.15. How is this image (of Ruth Snyder executed) important?
Q2 1.24. How do the images and charts complement each other?
Q3. 1.29. What does the graffiti image (about capitalism) mean?
Q4. 1.31. Should the graffiti project have worked?
Q5. 2.05. How can a photograph be a tool for social reform?
Q6. 2.10. Why are these (abandoned) places important, and why do
people go there?
Q7. 2.21. How are we (in) the media?
Q8. 2.26. What is your reaction to the police/violence module?
Q9. 2.28. In lieu of class, watch "Inside Extinction Rebellion"
24mins, and discuss how their protests use 'the image'.
research projects:
CrimeMedia -- 2 sspaced pages with picture, webrefs, no subtitles;
the idea of looking at how the media influences public perceptions
of crime, etc. is a good one, especially in a highly mediated
society; including some examples would help, and using subtitles
will help develop themes; overall, good, could be developed more. C
65% 13/20
Graffitti -- 2 people; 5 sspaced pages (!) including titlepage,
refspage, pictures, and subtitles; the idea of graffiti as either an
artform or a nuisance isn't necessarily an either/or, altho places
which criminalize it usually end up with bad graffiti, and the
opposite is also true; overall, this shows a lot of work already;
excellent. A 85 17/20
PoliceSocMedia -- 3 dspaced pages including titlepage, subtitles,
refspage; idea that social media influences public perceptions is
good; including some examples would help fill out the analysis...
maybe looking at BLM, social media?; overall, good topic, could be
developed more. B- 70% 14/20 redo: 5 pgs, with examples. excellent
A- 80% 16/20
CrimeScene -- 4 dspaced pages with subtitles, good refs, and gory
photos; at one point it is said that the photo is immune from
emotional judgment, and then at another that it can trigger
emotional reactions in the jury -- the latter is probably more true;
this suggests some of the nuances of the crime scene photo;
excellent beginning. A-80%16/20
Hernandez -- 6 dspaced pages including titlepage, refspage,
subtitles, and pictures; the physical case is central, and it is
framed by visuals (camera stills, mugshots, perp walk, brain scan,
etc); this is an unusual case, and really illustrates how the
physical and visual combine; good beginning. B 75% 15/20
Stereotypes -- 2 sspaced pages including subtitles, references; the
idea that media create/perpetuate stereotypes of crime is important,
as it can re/create racism etc; in this way the media is an
incomplete and (sometimes) inaccurate source of info, which perhaps
increases with social media; overall, good beginning (and example).
TedBundy -- 4sspaced pages including titlepage, photos, subtitles,
and references; it is unclear how this is a visual project (media
coverage?), perhaps more could be made of the fact that there was a
move to televise his execution by Phil Donahue; overall, good topic,
and needs to be re-presented as a visual one. C- 60% 12/20
StreetArt -- 3 sspaced pages (too long) with subtitles, references;
the idea that graffiti is both vandalism and (potentially) an art
form, stimulating discussions about public space is a good one;
Halifax developed a model of (permitted) street art which might be
looked at; overall, excellent beginning. A- 80% 16/20
CrimePhoto -- 5 sspaced pages (too long), with subtitles, photos,
and references; the scope of the project needs to be narrowed down,
as there is too much to cover in the scope of the project, unless
the number of examples is reduced; overall, sophisticated treatment
of the topic, needs to be made more manageable. A- 80% 16/20
SocialMedia -- 4 sspaced pages including titlepage, refspage, and
subtitles; there are a lot of good ideas here about the vale/danger
of social media, such as identifying suspects in criminal cases;
using more specific examples would develop the analysis more;
overall, good beginning, could be more specific. B 75% 15/20
Courtroom -- 3 dspaced pages including subtitles, charts (not
explained), and references; the scope of the proposal is very broad,
and it is difficult to determine what the focus/topic will be; it is
very wide-ranging, and using examples would help; overall, should be
narrowed down, and made more specific. C- 60% 12/20
FredGraf -- 8 dspaced pages (too long), including titlepage, 2
refspages, subtitles, and pictures; the idea of looking at
Fredericton street art is a good one, and doable, and more local
examples would buoy the contention that there might be
discriminatory findings; overall, just go out and collect them! good
beginning. B 75% 15/20
TrueCrime -- 4 sspaced pages (too long) including subtitles,
pictures, and references; there are several examples of crime docs
which exaggerate or distort criminal issues, altho the viewers would
not know (?) that was happening; the consequence might be false or
exaggerated ideas, which might be the norm. good beginning B 75%
CrimeDocs -- 4 dspaced pages including subtitles, pictures,
and web-references; looking at true crime documentaries as reviewing
a case to get at previously hidden elements is a good idea, and
there are lots of examples; the idea of 'expose' might be useful to
label what is happening; overall, good topic, good beginning. B- 70%
Surveillance -- 3 sspaced pages including subtitles, references;
several topics are discussed: video surveillance, facial recognition
cameras, ALPRs, and drones; these are reality of modern life,
and perhaps developing a theme to connect them would build the
analysis, eg. 'stranger-economy', modern alienation, etc. B- 70%
PoliceForce -- 4 dspaced pages including subtitles, pictures, and
refspage; the topic of police violence against native people, as
explored through art and demonstration is a powerful one; the
examples are good, and the analysis is explicit; overall, excellent
beginning. A 85% 17/20
Evidence -- 3 dspaced pages including pictures, refspage; visual
evidence is an important tool for investigation and prosecution; it
is both objective and (sometimes) open to interpretation; outlining
the usefulness of the visual in specific cases might help build the
analysis more; overall, interesting topic, good beginning. B- 70%
BodyCams -- 5 dspaced pages, including subtitles, pictures, and
refspage; the use of body cameras is not universal, and the problems
of cost and storage are not easily solved; narrowing the objectives
and issues down to develop key issues would focus analysis better,
eg. use in investigation; good topic, overly broad. B- 70% 14/20
Trafficking -- 3 sspaced pages including subtitles, references;
human trafficking is an important topic in today's globalized,
changing society, and focusing on visual campaigns to educate and
help push to abolish it is a good angle; excellent topic, and
beginning. A 85% 17/20
MoreGraf -- 4 dspaced pages including subtitles, references; there
are many different issues here, and perhaps a strong theme is
'resistance'... developing the theoretical angle of why the visual
is important will deepen the study of graffiti; overall, good topic,
could be developed more analytically. B- 70% 14/20
Lombroso -- 2 sspaced text, well-written, with subtitles, and
academic references page; an original take on the assignment, and in
fact there is much that is visual in early crim, mapping for
example; overall, good choice of topic, could have more examples,
excellent beginning. A 85% 17/20
GrafArt -- 4 dspaced pages with subtitles, academic references; the
discussion is largely academic, whether graf is art or protest or
both or something else; including some examples would 'illustrate'
the issues more; overall, quite good, could be developed more. B 75%
15/20 rewrite: 5 pages, now includes pictures and video about
Toronto street art; excellent summation of the issues. A 85% 17/20
TrueCrimeDocs -- 2 sspaced pages with subtitles and pictures, and
academic references; a bit general, but raises some good issues, for
example, that true crime docs can be educational or
sensationalistic, truthful or not, etc., but that they have an
effect on the public (audience); good overview. B 75% 15/20
DecrimGraf -- 2 dspaced pages with subtitles, plus academic
references; this is well-written, and takes a practical and more
academic view of street art than the typical respose of vandalism;
using examples will be important, and maybe look at cities where it
is tolerated, eg. Halifax; overall, good beginning. B 15/20 75%
GeorgeFloyd -- 2 people; 6 dspaced pages with subtitles, pictures,
titlepage, and refspage; good topic, as it was covered well in
street art. social media, and mainstream media; it probably had more
impact because of the visuals than it would have had otherwise;
excellent topic, good beginning. A- 80% 16/20
PretrialMedia -- 4 sspaced pages including pictures, subtitles, and
excellent refspage; there are two cases discussed, Dr. Shepherd and
Mount Cashel, either would suffice, but together they point to the
'problem' of pretrial publicity, and its effect on legal proceedings
despite legal issues; overall, excellent topic and well written. A+
90% 18/20
TVandCrime -- 4 dspaced pages with subtitles, pictures, and
refspage; as stated, it is important to realize that crime media
might be the only source of information about crime, so a
person/public would never know whether it was accurate or not; a bit
general, could use more examples, but a good beginning. B 75% 15/20
CrimeMapping -- 3 dspaced pages with subtitles, picture, and also a
refspage; a general discussion of crime mapping and how it
reinforces (perceptions of) inequality, which goes back to the
Chicago School and their map with the 'zone of transition'; overall,
good topic, needs examples. B+ 77% 15.5/20
Photos -- 4 dspaced pages with subtitles, pictures, and refspage;
the photo is important as a record of events, as a reminder of
things forgotten or brushed aside, and as a way of rating the
importance of social issues; using examples will help develop the
analysis more, but this is a good beginning. B- 70% 14/20
MediaonCrime -- 3 sspaced pages with subtitles, pictures, and
refspage; the writeup is fairly general, but does raise questions
about the reliability of the news media, and how the public uses it
as an information source; the Tyson example is good, developing that
more would be a good centrepoint for the analysis; good beginning.
B- 70% 14/20
CourtPhotos -- 4 dspaced pages with subtitles, photo, and 2 refs;
this is a very legalistic discussion of the use of crime scene
photographs, and probably has its basis in legal decisions of the
past; in a sense, they help to re/construct the crime scene;
overall, clear, and could use some history? good beginning. B 75%
LatinBias -- 3 pages with pictures, subtitles, and references; this
is a really interesting idea, that the global north might portray
the global south negatively as more criminal -- is this only
self-serving or does it serve a deeper purpose such as preserving
inequalities? overall, good beginning, great topic. A- 80% 16/20
LewisHine -- 4 sspaced pages (too long), with subtitles, photos, and
references; an excellent summary of Hine's work, and describing his
work as photo activism is quite appropriate; in retrospect it is
almost as if he is documenting crimes against children, in that laws
had to be passed to end child labour. excellent beginning. A 85%
Cesare -- 4 dspaced pages including titlepage, refspage, subtitles,
and pictures; interesting idea, to mix in pictures of the wrongfully
convicted with mugshots of actual criminals, to then determine if
they can be visually picked out; it's similar to research on
'trustworthy' faces; overall, good beginning. B 75% 15/20
ZoneTheory -- 3 dspaced pages including titlepage, refspage, and
subtitles; there are two theories here, the zone mapping, and the
border issues; it is okay to compare the two cities, but the
fentanyl issue is a political hot potato right now, and not very
credible; overall, needs to be narrowed down more and reworked. C-
60 12/20
BostonBombing -- 5 dspaced pages including titlepage, refspage,
subtitles, and a picture; interesting topic, and it certainly shows
the value of photos in solving crime, however it is unclear
whether it is surveillance or civilian photos; overall, good topic,
very factual, could use more development of the analysis. B- 70%
StreetGraf -- 4 dspaced pages, with subtitles, refs, and many
pictures; straightforward topic, and it would be good to use
memorial photos as much as possible, just to localize it; halifax
has a similar policy, with designated graffiti zones; overall, good
beginning, good topic, and develop the analysis of self-expression.
B 75% 15/20
VideoGames -- 3 dspaced pages, including refspage, and subtitles;
this is an interesting topic, as it is usually analyzed in terms of
deviance; the issue is framed as 'bad or not', similar to the
discussion around crime comics in the 1950s; perhaps the issue
doesn't change, just what gets blamed; include visuals! B- 70% 14/20
SocMedia -- 10 dspaced pages (too many), with extensive use of
spacing (not necessary); listing points should be replaced with
summaries, to make the analysis more readable; there are also a lot
of theories, eg. Foucault, Cohen, perhaps focus on one and develop
it; overall, the argument could be restructured, made clearer. C 65%
MoreCesare -- 3 dspaced pages, including refspage; the connection
between lombrosian theory and eugenics is interesting, especially in
that it claims to be able to dientify the visual characteristics of
the inferior; good beginning, as is the use of nicole rafter, and
the concept of 'weaponization'. B 75% 15/20