week1 jan 06-10 foundations I mon: orientation wed: green crim intro |
week5 feb 03-07 transgression II Q5 mon: chs 4/5notes; ch06notes Q6 wed: xtra Muskrat Falls issue: enviro racism |
week9 mar 03-07 reading week Uni closed no classes |
week13 mar 31-apr 4 presn's 75mins/class:
@5/6 mon: Bezanson, Chandler, Galbraith, Garrett, Getchell/Spinney, Guitard, Hickey, wed: McLaughlin, Nicholson, Paul, Stickles, Whalen, Woodside/Neilson/Mason |
week2 jan 13-17 foundations II mon: greencrimintro cont wed: Grassy Narrows; protests Q1 issue: climate on fire |
week6 feb 10-14 proposals due mon: xtra: Love Canal Q7 wed: xtra: Grassy Narrows Q8 issue: proposals due |
week10 mar 10-14 intervention II mon: chs 9/10 pollution/victims wed: class cancelled |
week14 7- 09 presentations mon: no class/ spillover prezis? wed: cont. work on project projects due |
week3 jan 20-24 foundations III mon: xtra: Westray Q2 wed: xtra: Westray Q3 issue: local/global |
week7 feb 17-21 transgression III mon: Family Day, no class wed: chs7/8notes harm Q9 issue: nature as persons |
week11 mar 17-21 intervention III mon: ch11/12notes regulation wed: cont. |
video Climate Chaos |
week4 jan 27-31 transgression I mon: ch02/03 notes wed: cont. Q4 issue: enviro racism, Boat Harbour |
week8 feb 24-28 intervention I mon: xtra: activists Q10 wed: xtra: fracking@Rexton Q11 issue: activism |
week12 mar 24-28 intervention IV mon: ch13/14notes wed: ch15 prevention |
131 Years of Global Warming in 26 Seconds xtra: , propaganda Sydney Rexton; Kingsnorth; politics and protest link |