English 3236 Restoration and Eighteenth Century Drama and Theatre
Prompt # 5
21 September 2012

Making decisions

Taking stock

Until we actually meet to see what has been done and what hasn't, I've been unable to make solid plans. I see at least a couple of possibilities this morning, depending on where we are. It may be that there have been problems with the mechanics of editing the draft reports, in which case I'll need to set up an alternative.

In any case, we will go on with looking at literary histories as a way of establishing some groundwork, but we should decide on some specific agreed aims; perhaps with everyone deciding on a new literary history to work with (or continuing with the one she already has). I can imagine either agreeing on some specific areas to find out about, or on identifying what seem to be the plays we should read first. (One of the ways of generating useful questions is to read works and keep a diary of questions that need to be answered, and then go out to literary histories and other source and answer them.)

So, this morning we'll talk about that, have a look at the next prompt, about learning journals, and I'll put together a record of our decisions and a plan for what to do between now and Wednesday which I'll put on the Web as Prompt #7.

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