English 3336 Restoration and Eighteenth Century Drama and Theatre
Prompt # 24
31 October 2012

Discussing and reading reading journals

In class today, and for next time

There are journals, in various stages of completion, on the Forum. What I propose today is that we take the beginning of class to discuss anything that's come up for you as you read the play and that you'd like to get everybody else's take on, and that we then adjourn so that people who haven't yet finished theirs (like me) can do so, and so that everyone can read everyone else's with care for class on Friday. It's difficult to spend time in class reading, and what we need to do right now, mainly, is read each other's journals.

Between now and Thursday noon, post as many questions, comments and responses as you can, at least a couple on each other person's journal. Use subject lines to make clear what your comment or question or response is. After Thursday noon, read as many of the comments and responses as you can (especially, of course, the ones on your journal). Keep track of the ones worth discussing. We'll deal with as many as we can on Friday, and come up with some research issues for people to find out about between then and next Wednesday.

Speaking of journals (again)

As I said last time, a number of people haven't regularly posted learning journals. This is an important part of the process of this course. Since it's clear that almost everyone's mark will be determined by the quality of a final learning reflection which demonstrates the breadth and depth of the learning that's happened for her, these journals need to be kept regularly, and to be reflective and thoughtful (see above about reading journals). Next week I'm planning to do the midterm reflection I alluded to in the course introduction.

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