English 3336 Restoration and Eighteenth Century Drama and Theatre
Prompt # 25
2 November 2012

What about The Duke and Sir Robert, then?

In class today, and for next time

What the prompt last time said, in part, was:

Between now and Thursday noon, post as many questions, comments and responses as you can, at least a couple on each other person's journal. Use subject lines to make clear what your comment or question or response is.
One person posted by noon; nobody used subject lines. So nobody could do this:
After Thursday noon, read as many of the comments and responses as you can (especially, of course, the ones on your journal). Keep track of the ones worth discussing.
We'll take the first half hour this morning for people to read each other's comments and responses. We'll talk beginning at 9:30. I don't see many that will offer much in the way of research opportunities, but we'll see. I think what we can do is see what we can find out about Sir Robert Howard and the play working with general sources.

The assignment for next Wednesday, then, will be to find material of interest about the play and its author. I'll put up a list of starting points later today (as far as I can see, there isn't much separately published that's directly on the play, but I'll have a look for more general sources and put a signup list on the Web site).

Whatever you find should be assembled as a report, with a list of works cited, and be in place in the Forum I'll set up by Tuesday morning. During the day Tuesday everyone should read everyone else's reports and respond to them, and we'll make plans for further work in class Wednesday.

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