English 3236 Restoration and Eighteenth Century Drama and Theatre
Prompt # 54
27 February 2013

Reading, researching, and presenting a comedy

You've chosen a play to read. A comedy; probably a "comedy of manners." You have three things to do. Probably the third should come last. All three need to be done by 8:00 Wednesday morning, March 13.


Read the play. Write an extensive plot summary and description of the play (the plot summary and description should be at least a couple of pages long, and should both give us a sense of what happens in the play and how the characters are presented). It should quote from the text. Post your summary and description on the Reading comedies wiki.


Find at least three scholarly sources (best are general literary histories or histories of theatre or comedy; avoid books or articles specifically on your playwright or the play) which deal with the play. They should talk about its influences (the plays and writers who influenced it, and the plays and writers that it influenced), or the contemporary responses to it. Write a short summary of what your sources have to say about the play, including at the top of the page the full, accurate bibliographical references. Post this in your space in the center section of the Reading comedies wiki.


Choose a representative scene from your play. Pick the scene which you think best represents the tone and quality of the play. The scene should be at least a couple of pages long. Either copy the text of an online version into a file and print it, or photocopy a section from the text, indicating clearly what the rest of us should read. Explain the context of the scene in a paragraph or so, so that readers will be able to understand it, and know what they're reading it for. Post your explanation in the lower section of the Reading comedies wiki.

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