English 3236 Restoration and Eighteenth Century Drama and Theatre
Prompt # 56
15 March 2013

Continuing to share what we've learned about comedies

We'll spend some time talking about what kinds of questions might be answered by doing a bit of research. Since we're far short of four questions from each person on each play, we'll adjourn to read the reports you had the fewest questions on and try to get as far as possible toward having four actually answerable questions for each person's play. Post them on the Forum. In order that people can read them and make a stab at responding to them, they need to be posted by Sunday night.

Conducting that research and answering as many of those questions as you can (respond on the Forum) is what we'll do between now and next Wednesday morning.

The next step will be for us to look at the specific scenes people have proposed on the wiki. We'll plan that process on Wednesday.

When we've finished with the scenes, it will make sense for everyone to select a second comedy (one of the six we've reported on) to read. We'll make those decisions when we get there.

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