Weblog, Visual Criminology 3563, MMH203, winter 2024-25, MWF 12.30-1.20.  outline  indexpage  gradesheet

january week one 6-10 intro
mon: webpage intro
wed: ch01 opening the lens
fri: no class
february week five 3-07 diagrams II
mon: ch05 justice research
wed: cont. Q5
fri: xtra: kelso, arnade
march week nine 3-7
reading wk -- noclasses
april week thirteen 31-04
mwf: noclasses
this week for project
work, consultation
week two 13-17 visual crim I
mon: xtra: francisintro
wed: ch02 theory/practice Q1
fri: ch03 mapping crime intro
week six 10-14 contesting images
mon: xtra: abandoned; urbex
wed: cont. Q6
fri: noclass: proposal due
week ten 10-14 policy I
mon: ch06 media/representation
wed: ch07 war on terror
fri: ch09 drive it like u stole it
april week fourteen 7-11
mon: exam preview
wed: projects due
thur: last day of classes
week three 20-24 visual crim II
mon: uni noclass
wed: noclass
fri: xtra: crime pics, SJ Q2
week seven 17-21 framing crime
mon: family day -- no classes
wed: ch03 documentary photography
fri: cont; Q7
week eleven 17-21 policy II
mon: xtra: prisoners; jail art
wed: xtra mapping: hot spots
fri: ch10 staging an execution
week fifteen 14-18

exam 4.17. @ 2pm
week four 27-31 diagrams
mon: xtra: graphic evidence
wed: ch04 in the classroom Q3
fri: xtra: graffiti project Q4
week eight 24-28 framing crime II
mon: xtra: filming cops
wed: cont. Q8
fri: in lieu of class Q9
week twelve 24-28 finale
mon: xtra: visualizing toxic
wed: ch13 caveats &...
fri: conclusions
ch09 blended instruction
ch11 victim theory
ch04 ghosts & killers
ch08 critical foundations

Q1 1.15. Why was the picture (of ruth snyder) important. Excuseable but not makeupable.
Q2 1.24. How do the images and charts complement each other? Excuseable but not makeupable.
Q3. 1.29. What does the graffiti image (about capitalism) mean?
Q4. 1.31. Should the graffiti project have worked?
Q5. 2.05. How can a photograph be a tool for social reform?
Q6. 2.10. Why are these (abandoned) places important, and why do people go there?
Q7. 2.21. How are we (in) the media?
Q8. 2.26. What is your reaction to the police/violence module?
Q9. 2.28. In lieu of class, watch "Inside Extinction Rebellion" 24mins, and discuss how their protests use 'the image'.

NEW COURSE DESCRIPTION: Hell and Damnation: Apocalypse Criminology, Crim 3903
"We live in a time of crisis, exacerbated and made intractable by social, economic, and political problems, all with effects on personal liberty and social control. These include economic mass migration due to famine; globalization and the movement of capital to offshore zones; the plutocratic greed of the one percent, the fading of the middle class and a growing precariat; refugees of climate change brought on by fossil fuel, toxic colonialism and environmental racism; terrorism and counter-terrorism; political civil unrest and its suppression by an expanding surveillance state; activism of the dispossessed, and cyber counter-activism; the effect of living in stranger-economies; and pandemics and the effect of disinformation. These and other portents are part of a gathering storm of global crisis and discontent with profound implications for both the practice and the study of deviance and criminal justice."s