Weblog, Visual Criminology 3563, MMH203, winter 2024-25, MWF 12.30-1.20.  outline  indexpage  gradesheet

january week one 6-10 intro
mon: webpage intro
wed: ch01 visual turn
fri: xtra
february week five 3-07 diagrams II
mon: ch06 criminal careers
wed: cont.
fri: xtra
march week nine 3-7
reading wk -- noclasses
april week thirteen 31-04
mwf: noclasses
this week for project
work, consultation
week two 13-17 visual crim I
mon: ch02 theory/practice
wed: cont.
fri: xtra
week six 10-14 contesting images I
mon: ch07 critical crim
wed: cont
fri: noclass: proposal due
week ten 10-14 policy I
mon: ch10 hot spots
wed: cont.
fri: ch11 victim theory
april week fourteen 7-11
mon: xman preview
wed: projects due
thur: last day of classes
week three 20-24 visual crim II
mon: ch03 mapping crim
wed: cont.
week seven 17-21 contesting images II
mon: family day -- no classes
wed: ch 08 foundations
fri: cont.
week eleven 17-21 policy II
mon: ch12 data visualization
wed: ch13 caveats &...
fri:... conclusions
week fifteen 14-18

final xam:
week four 27-31 diagrams
mon: ch04 in the classroom
wed: ch05 justice research
week eight 24-28 contesting images III
mon: ch09 blended instruction
wed: cont.
fri: noclass video exercise
week twelve 24-28 finale
mon: xtra
wed: xtra
fri: xtra
 May be a graphic of text
