Crim 3703 -- Toxic In/Justice Winter 2024/25 MW2.30-3.50    BMH103 outline     gradesheet     index    resources

week1 jan 06-10 foundations I
mon: orientation 
wed: introduction to issues
week5 feb 03-07 transgression II
mon: ch06notes
wed: issue: enviro racism
week9 mar 03-07 reading week
Uni closed noclasses
week13 apr 31-4 presentations
week2 jan 13-17 foundations II
mon: ch01notes pdf 
wed: Kingsnorth protest
issue: climate on fire 
week6 feb 10-14 proposals due
mon: chs7/8notes
wed: xtra: Sydney; Boat Harbour
issue: enviro racism, cont.
week10 mar 10-14 intervention II
mon: ch11/12notes
wed: xtra Exxon Valdez
week14 7- 09 presentations
projects due
week3 jan 20-24 foundations III
mon: chs 2/3notes pdf
wed: Love Canal
issue: local/global
week7 feb 17-21  transgression III
mon: Family Day, noclass
wed: video Climate Chaos
politics and protest link
week11 mar 17-21 intervention III
mon: ch13; ch14notes
wed: xtra Muskrat Falls

week4 jan 27-31 transgression I
mon: chs 4/5notes
wed:  Rexton protests
week8 feb 24-28 intervention I
wed: chs 9/10notes
xtra: issue: activism, propaganda
week12 mar 24-28 intervention IV
mon: noclass :(
wed: ch15 prevention

Sample engagement exercise:  Write an introductory paragraph about the issue, and then watch the study video, and with the resources below, discuss the 'harm' involved in the Boat Harbour incident and how power was an issue in the toxic crime and in getting anything done about it. 
Study video: Boat Harbour, 45mins, link

"Boiling Point: Climate Chaos," CBC. 2024,
"TESTING THE LINE. Canada Considers What Makes a Terrorist," article,
"Misery and Slow Death for Pigs Crated in Filthy Factory in British Columbia," 2019, 2mins, Misery, Slow Death for Pigs Crated in Filthy Canadian Factory | PETA
"Spraying Glyphosate on our Forests - Stop the Spray!," 4 mins, 2022,
"Why care about climate migrants in an era of loss and damage," LAUREN GRANT | TEDxLimassol, 2023, 17mins,
**"Climate Change is a Social Justice Issue | Adriana Laurent | TEDxUBC," 2018, 14mins,
"Environmental Justice in Mi'kmaq & African Nova Scotian Communities," Ingrid Waldron | TEDxMSVUWomen, 19mins, 2020,
**"What Does "Environmental Racism" Look Like in Canada?," (interview with Ingrid Waldron), 5mins, 2022,
"Animal rights -- birth of an activist | Simone Reyes | TEDxOrangeCoast," 11mins,
"Why Capitalism is Killing Us," 24mins,
"Naomi Klein – On Fire (Willy Brandt Lecture 2019)," 49 mins,
The Nature of Things: Rebellion, 44mins:
Environmental Racism: There's Something in the Water, 1.32 hr. video:
Gaslands (the movie, 1.42 hrs videolink
The Social Dilemma, 3mins
Sacred land, unholy uranium: Canada's mining industry in conflict with First Nations, 3.30.16, link
Three Seconds: link
The Reason: "W5: Alleged animal abuse at an Ontario pig farm," 23mins, link *trigger warning*
The Response: "A global rebellion: millions of young people fighting for a livable planet | The Nature of Things," 40mins, link
... and this article: "Jury acquits Extinction Rebellion protesters despite ‘no defence in law’," The Guardian, 4.23.21, link     
Clayoquot resources including video: link
"Testing the Line. As Animal Rights Activists Push Legal Boundaries, Canada Considers What Makes a Terrorist," The Intercept, 5.12.19. link
"Pesticides - DDT - Rachel Carson - Silent Spring," 11mins,