English 1006T
Prompt #16
13 January 2004

Deciding on some readings

Making some informed choices

I've printed out all the pages recounting peoples readings of their anthologies, their choices of what they read, and their recommendations for what we should all read. I'll give everybody two copies of her own.

I'm going to set up three random groups.  Give one copy of your own printout to each of the other two groups.

Your group should now have a set of the printouts of everybody else.  Go somewhere -- a corner of G6, somewhere else -- and spend some time with them. Read them carefully, and agree on the following:

Two texts on which we should profitably spend a class (for each) reading, exploring, and discussing immediately: that is, texts that would, you think, make good starters for a more extended exploration of literature.

Three texts that you think it would clearly be a good idea to spend an equivalent amount of time on later in the process

On a sheet of paper (or a couple), or as a printout from a computer file, list the first two, and the next three, with, under each, a clear statement of your reasons for your choices.

Bring the whole works back to G6 at 3:15.

A note on Occasions

The new Occasions forum is up, and the Religious Studies lecture is available for commenting.  I'm considering proposing a set of deadlines for posting on Occasions this term: quite a number last term didn't achieve counting status because people apparently put off posting their original reflection. The deadline I'd argue for would be a week after the event for the original reflection, and a week after that for responses.

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