English 1006T
Prompt #17
15 January 2004

How to become a writer

Sharing ideas, discussing a text

Everybody should have brought an inkshed written after reading "How to become a writer." I'm going to set up four groups, give each group someone else's inksheds, and give everybody about ten minutes or so to read through them and agree on two passages -- might be a whole inkshed, might be a sentence to read as a way to provoke discussion.

There were two stories recommended as first choices for next time, Eudora Welty's "A worn path" and Charlotte Perkins Gilman's "The Yellow Wallpaper." I should have thought then to get the books they were in so that I could make copies of them.  I didn't, so the first thing I'll do is see if someone can provide them and I'll make the copies while groups decide on inksheds about the Lorrie Moore story.

For next time

For next time, read Welty if your last name is in the first half of the class alphabet (that is, Drysdale through Lee) and Gilman if it's in the second half (that is, Lochhead through Taylor).  Also, find out one useful fact about your author or the story -- use textbooks, the Web, or the library's indexes -- and post it, and its source, as either welty.htm or gilman.htm, on your Web site by 1:00 Tuesday.

 [Note: this was changed orally in clss, such that everybody was to read both stories.]

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