English 1006T
Prompt #23
5 February 2004

Roles in The Tempest


We'll go through the play scene by scene. We'll clear a space for people involved in a scene to stand (some of this has to do with understanding the mechanics of the production -- what happens in the theatre -- as well as what happens on the magic island.

In the order in which they appear in the scene, everybody should try to summarize what your character is doing in the scene, and why you think she might be doing it, and whatever else seems important. If you're puzzled by it, say that; we'll all try to figure it out. After each character voices her summary, we'll take time for questions and suggestions.

I don't know how far we'll get with this today, but I'm not counting on finishing the play. There's lots to talk about.

For Tuesday

You should be reading Romeo and Juliet (re-reading it, if you have read it before), with an eye to a character you might want to focus on. A caution: I'll expect people who have very minor characters in this one to pick up more major ones in Romeo.

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